
Second project for the Technigo Bootcamp 💥 Created a business site using HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript where we had to have a hero image, form and accordion which was collapsible using CSS.

Primary LanguageCSS

Project Business Site

In this project we were asked to create a one page website which had a responsive hero image header, a form and an accordion. This was to be created for a business and I chose a house plant hotel (which is a bit of a joke as most house plants die if you go on holiday!)

The problem

I started by creating the hero image and changing the image size I had chosen and applying it to the different media query breakpoints. Then I added the text on top of the hero image. After this I created my form and then accordion. Lastly I made the logo, hamburger (for smaller screen size) and navbar so it floated on top of the hero image.

If I had more time I would work on the accordion more by adding transitions and effects. I grasped the basic javascript and css selectors evern though I felt it was a challenge. And I thought that Maks's lecture on the accordion was well needed if I wanted to take my accordion to the next level.

I would also want to practice more the z-index and positions as I have a general understanding of this, but need to practice this more.

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