A portfolio to present my latest work and my journey into learning how to code from scratch. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, and is responsive to offer a better user experience.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- React v18.2.0
- React Router 6.4.3
- Normalize.css v8.0.1
- React-icons v4.4.0
- Styled Components v5.3.6
- Open Peeps(https://pablostanley.gumroad.com/l/openpeeps?wanted=true&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.openpeeps.com%2F) : a hand-drawn illustration library used in Figma to create all the illustrations and logo.
- Happy Hues (https://www.happyhues.co/) : to create a nice color palette.
- Contrast checker to be sure that the color palette was respecting the rules of accessibility : this one (https://marijohannessen.github.io/color-contrast-checker/) and this one by Adobe Color (https://color.adobe.com/fr/create/color-contrast-analyzer)
- Figma to wireframe the application and visualize the end result on smaller and bigger screens. I also create the logo and illustrations with Figma.
- GithubDesktop to handle version control.
- Trello to create a board with a checklist of all the different steps of the project, and plan my work.
There is a light and dark theme switch. It offers a nice touch to the user who can select the theme he/she is the most comfortable with. A hamburger menu that opens a sidebar on small devices. When you scroll down, a button appears and allows you to scroll back to the top. It's an easier way to access again the menu or sidebar.