Github Robber

Github robber is an application that collects profiles on Github, ranks and makes them available to recruiters in the form of subscription.

How to start application with docker

  1. Navigate to backend folder.
  2. Type in terminal docker-compose up.
  3. Open localhost:5000 with your browser to see the result.

How to start application

  1. Navigate to backend folder.

  2. Type in terminal pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Right click on the file and then click run or run from the terminal

    On Windows: set

    On Linux: export

  4. Type in terminal flask db init

  5. Type in terminal flask upgrade if the data is already in the database

  6. Type in terminal flask run

How to create fake data

  1. Navigate to backend/app folder
  2. flask db-manage add-data

How to remove fake data

  1. Navigate to backend/app folder
  2. flask db-manage remove-data

How to run tests

To execute the tests located in the tests/ folder, navigate to the backend folder and run the command: python -m pytest tests/

Start client side app

Download files and instal dependencies :

yarn install

Then, run the development server:

yarn dev

Open with your browser to see the result.