
Do you think the big blue topbar in zhihu is too dazzling? Let's remove it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About zhihu-topbar-remover

Do you think the big blue topbar in zhihu is too dazzling? Let's remove it.

Install From Chrome Webstore

Now it's available in chrome webstore. Open the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhihu-topbar-remover/ddjlbeofimcccmkdnjemenloeagcndcd and you can install it as other extensions.

How To Install, When Chrome Webstore Is Unaccessible?

  1. Download the chrome extension here.
  2. Then open chrome extension settings page.
  3. Drag the downloaded extension to the page.
  4. Choose "add" in the popup dialog.
  5. Now, you can browser zhihu.com without its topbar.

How To Restore Zhihu's Topbar?

  1. You could found a circle on the top-right corner in the page.
  2. Click it. Then the topbar would be restored.
  3. Click it again. The topbar would be removed.