
A web GUI built with Next.js for inpainting with Stable Diffusion using the Replicate API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🎨 Stable Video Diffusion

A web GUI for creating dynamic videos and inpainting with Stable Video Diffusion using the Replicate API.

Experience it live at www.stablevideodiffusion.fun

Stable Video Diffusion


Inpainter now includes capabilities for transforming static images into dynamic videos, thanks to the integration of the Stable Video Diffusion model. Users can:

  • Transform images into high-resolution videos with customizable frame rates and lengths.
  • Utilize the inpainting feature to fill in missing parts of images.
  • Explore a variety of applications in advertising, education, entertainment, and more.

How it Works

🚀 This Node.js app is powered by several robust technologies:

Development Setup

To get started with Stable Video Diffusion:


  1. A recent version of Node.js.
  2. A Replicate API token.


Set your Replicate API token in your environment:


Then install dependencies and run the server:

npm install
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000