An Electromagnetic Source Imaging Algorithm for Estimating Extended Brain Sources and Large-scale Networks



An Electromagnetic Source Imaging Algorithm for Estimating Extended Brain Sources and Large-scale Networks

This readme document describes software codes and testing human data, which have been developed under support from the National Institutes of Health via grants NS096761, EB021027, MH114233, AT009263 awarded to Dr. Bin He. The testing human data were collected as part of NIH funded research at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, overseen by Dr. Greg Worrell. The source codes and testing human data are provided as service to the scientific community and may be used for any non-commercial purpose. Users should use the codes or data at their own risks. If anyone uses the whole or part of the codes or the human data, provided here, we ask you to cite the following publication (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15781-0) in any of your publications or presentations:

Sohrabpour et al, “Noninvasive Electromagnetic Source Imaging of Spatio-temporally Distributed Epileptogenic Brain Sources,” Nature Communications, 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15781-0).

Refer to .txt Read Me file for more details and how to use/run codes and sample data.