
Simple webserver that exposes apache fop over HTTP (for instance for non JVM projects)

Primary LanguageXSLT

Apache FOP Server

Simple embedded HTTP server that provides creating PDF's using apache fop.

The server uses the Unfiltered Scala HTTP server toolkit and Jetty.

Testing is done using the Dispatch HTTP client library.

How to build

mvn assembly:assembly

How to use

Use the docker image:

docker run zilverline/fop:1.7

Or download one of the tar.gz from the downloads page

tar xvzf apache-fop-server-[version].tar.gz
java -cp apache-fop-server.jar:lib/* org.zilverline.fop.FopServer

This will start the server on port 9999.

To generate a pdf one should POST to http://localhost:9999/pdf with 2 parameters: xml containing the XML representation of the pdf and xsl as the stylesheet to be used.

Example on how to use in Ruby using httpclient

require 'httpclient'

module Adapters::ApacheFopAdapter
  FOP_URL = "http://localhost"
  FOP_PORT = 9999

  def get_pdf(xml, xsl)
    body = {xsl: IO.read(xsl), xml: xml}
    client = HTTPClient.new
    result = client.post "#{FOP_URL}:#{FOP_PORT}/pdf", body

  module_function :get_pdf

An example upstart script for installing this on the server could be

# apache-fop-server - simple webserver to enable generation of pdfs
# Simple embedded Jetty server to enable generation of pdfs using apache-fop

description     "webserver to enable generation of pdfs using apache-fop"

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]

expect fork

  chdir /opt/apps/apache-fop-server
  exec java -cp apache-fop-server.jar:lib/* org.zilverline.fop.FopServer
end script

Fork and patch to contribute!