AWX Exploration

This repo is designed as a test and investigation for working with AWX

Startup the Stack

Use docker compose to create the AWX stack

docker-compose up -d

There is a bug in the docker container which hosts the UI whereby the UI components are not properly symlinked. Execute the following commands to properly symlink the ui artifacts

docker exec -ti awxcontainer_awx_web_1 bash
cd /var/lib/awx/public
rm -rf static
ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/awx/ui/static

Start the Vagrant Machine

Execute the vagrant file to startup a target machine

vagrant up

This will create a local VM in virtualbox with the ip of if this conflicts with another VM or is not part of the subnets you have assigned in your Virtual box configuration edit the vagrantfile line 18, and set the IP appropriately for your system "public_network", ip: ""

NOTE: if the IP Address is changed, ensure that the host file inventory/local/hosts is also updated


Configure AWX to use the Project

TODO: its late, documentation to follow ;-)