
IRC bot written for Python3

Primary LanguagePython

#Py3bot ##IRC bot written in Python3

Bot can be used as an IRC client through the terminal. Bot loads modes for each server instance

Easily configurable settings

run using: python3 py3bot.py

requires python 3.4 or later.

Bot loads the settings in settings.py on startup.

##TERMINAL COMMANDS: In addition to all normal IRC commands, the following commands are also available in the terminal:


terminates bot


print current context in [server, channel] format

/server (host, port, terminalID?, password?)

/s (host, port, terminalID?, password?)

connects to specified server

/swapServer (ID)

/ss (ID)

swap current server to server stored with the indicated ID

/closeSever (ID, msg?)

close specified server

/swapCurrentReceiver (ID)

swaps current channel to channel stored with the indicated ID

/load (mod)

loads specified mod in active context

/reload (mod)

reloads specified mod in active context

/stop (mod)

removes specified mod in active context


prints currently loaded mods in active context

#Mods Mods are stored in the folder mods/MODNAME/. Once the server receives the command to load a specific mod, the file MODNAME.py in said folder is imported and the class MODNAME is instantiated. This class needs to inherit from the IRCMod class, imported from IRCmod to have access to the full range of possible command and reply options. A detailed list of these commands and replies are available in the file IRCmod.py

Mods are not inherently loaded on startup or upon connecting to a server unless the command to load the mods is added to the ONLOGINCMDS setting in settings.py

A very basic default mod and a Dice mod are already included as examples.