
Modable Python IRC bot

Primary LanguagePython

Moddable IRC bot by Matthew Russell
last updated: April 22, 2014

Run start.py to start the bot.

default settings are stored in settings.py
	SERVER: initial server to connect to
	CHANLIST: initial channels to connect to
	NICKNAME: name the bot should identify with itself
	PASSWORD: optional password for server ID purposes (not implemented?)
	IRC_PORT: default IRC port
	ALERTCHR: character used to indicate a command to the bot
		if ALERTCHR = '@', a possible command would be '@roll 1d20'
	MODS: list of mods the bot should import on startup (might move to mods.settings.py in the future)

Logs of any chats the bot joins are stored in the logs folder.
To have the bot import a mod, it should be placed in the mods folder, and the mod's folder name should be added to PyRCbot's settings.py MODS list
	mods structure with example mods 'Dice' and 'Math':
	mods should follow the pattern set by the mod 'Default' included in PyRCbot.