
just a database for emails , name and age


just a database for emails , name and age

Backend Project with Node.js, Express, and Firestore

This project serves as a simple backend application created using Node.js and Express, aimed at storing user information such as name, email, and phone number in Firebase Firestore. The primary focus of this endeavor was to gain proficiency in backend development.

Technologies Used

  • Backend:

    • Node.js
    • Express
    • Firebase Firestore
  • Frontend:

    • React

Project Purpose

The primary goal of this project was to deepen our understanding of backend development using Node.js and Express. While the frontend, developed with React, exists as part of the application, it was intentionally kept minimal as the primary emphasis was on backend technologies.

Key Features

  • Backend Implementation:

    • Utilized Node.js and Express for server-side development.
    • Stored user data, including names, emails, and phone numbers, in Firebase Firestore.
  • Learning Outcome:

    • Successfully achieved a better understanding of backend technologies.
    • Gained practical experience in integrating with a cloud-based NoSQL database.


This project represents a successful attempt at learning and implementing backend functionalities. The focus on backend technologies, specifically Node.js, Express, and Firestore, has provided valuable insights into building scalable and efficient server-side applications.