
this repo belongs to django tutorial in maktabkhooneh.org, which you can learn the basic approach to create a blog website with rich features

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Django Tutorial Project

The full project for Django fundemental course in maktabkhooneh.org.

Download & Setup Instructions :

After downloading the project, make sure to create a virtual enviroment and install project's requirements.

Clone the project. This will download the GitHub respository files onto your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/alibigdeli/mysite.git

installing virtual enviroment and activating:

pip install virtualenv

Windows setup:

#creating the enviroment
python -m venv venv

#activating the enviroment

#deactivating enviroment

Linux and Mac setup:

#creating the enviroment
python -m venv venv

#activating the enviroment
source venv/bin/activate

#deactivating enviroment

then installing the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Project

in order to run the project you need to use either ways below

default and development settings

python manage.py runserver 
python manage.py runserver --settings=mysite.setting.dev

production settings

python manage.py runserver --settings=mysite.setting.prod

Note: if you want to change the settings permanently to prod you can modify the settings in enviroment varibale inside the manage.py and need to use dokcer or install the mysql directly on your machine

Project Model Schema :

this is the model schema have been used in this project: drawSQL-export-2021-08-23_23_26