
Repository with all the Solarwinds Vulnerability information I've been tracking and using for communications, review, and technical understanding.

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Solarwinds Vulnerablity Info

Repository with all the Solarwinds Vulnerability information I've been tracking and using for communications, review, and technical understanding.

It's devided into four sections: News Reports, Public Information / Alerts, Technical Analysis, Additional IOCs, and Unsubstantiated Conspiracy, FUD, or Selective Manipulation of Information. There is some overlap where a few links may be a long for technical analysis, but may also include IOCs. Others may be advisories that also qualify as news. This is all public information and is provided freely for use.

Previously I was tracking all of this in a Twitter thread located here: https://twitter.com/EanMeyer/status/1338324466808590345?s=20

I will post this GitHub repo to that Twitter thread and ongoing updates will be here. Each section is now sorted by date - The date is not necessarily when the news became available, it's when it was added so you can quickly see any updates from the days you missed. Where articles were published on an earlier date and updated I will try to move them to the new date.

Hashtags for use in TweetDeck and Twitter. Paired with with AND/OR to tune results for more or less FUD copy and past everyting after the dash into search.
Less FUD - #UNC2452 OR #Solorigate OR #Sunburst
With FUD - #SolarWinds OR #solarwinds123 OR #SolarWindsOrion OR #UNC2452 OR #Solorigate OR #Sunburst
All FUD - #solarwinds AND #RiggedElection OR #DominionVotingSystems OR #KrakenReleased

News Reports


Brian Krebs speculates VMware flaw disclosed last week may be part of SolarWinds breach https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/12/vmware-flaw-a-vector-in-solarwinds-breach/

Wall Street Journal story covering details so far stating Addtional Scope https://www.wsj.com/articles/hack-suggests-new-scope-sophistication-for-cyberattacks-11608251360

Department of Energy reports breach, but not on weapons networks https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/17/nuclear-agency-hacked-officials-inform-congress-447855

FALSE OR MISLEADING - Reuters reports Microsoft breached in Supply Chain Attack https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-cyber-microsoft/exclusive-microsoft-breached-in-suspected-russian-hack-using-solarwinds-sources-familiar-idUSKBN28R3BY

Additional Detail about Previous Reuters story reporting Microsoft Breach (Microsft Refutes This) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyber-breach/microsoft-says-it-found-malicious-software-in-its-systems-idUSKBN28R2ZJ


Details on Death Star Sinkhole deployed by Microsoft to stop C2 traffic https://www.geekwire.com/2020/microsoft-unleashes-death-star-solarwinds-hackers-extraordinary-response-breach/


SolarWinds Advisory - First Posted 12/13 Updated 12/16 - 9:30am CT https://www.solarwinds.com/securityadvisory

TheHackerNews reports on Reversing Labs analysis showing the flaw was likely introduced by a compromised build pipeline https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/new-evidence-suggests-solarwinds.html

Washington Post reports $280 million in Solarwinds stock was traded days before breach announcement https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1339059943442419714?s=20

KrebsOnSecurity reports domain takeover of malicious C2 now, in some cases, includes a kill switch https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/12/malicious-domain-in-solarwinds-hack-turned-into-killswitch/


KrebsOnSecurity - Solarwinds Breach Effects 18k Customers, Microsoft takes control of domains https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/12/solarwinds-hack-could-affect-18k-customers/

Reuters Story confirming Solarwinds FTP CDN password was "solarwinds123" https://www.reuters.com/article/global-cyber-solarwinds/hackers-at-center-of-sprawling-spy-campaign-turned-solarwinds-dominance-against-it-idUSKBN28P2N8

Microsofts role in recent high profile breaches called into question as O365 MFA bypass looked at as intial compromise channel https://www.crn.com/news/security/microsoft-s-role-in-solarwinds-breach-comes-under-scrutiny?itc=refresh


Washington Post ties Solarwinds breach to all recent major breaches https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/russian-government-spies-are-behind-a-broad-hacking-campaign-that-has-breached-us-agencies-and-a-top-cyber-firm/2020/12/13/d5a53b88-3d7d-11eb-9453-fc36ba051781_story.html

ZDNet reporting on Solarwinds 8K filing https://www.zdnet.com/article/sec-filings-solarwinds-says-18000-customers-are-impacted-by-recent-hack/


KrebsOnSecurity - US Treasury Breach and Solarwinds https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/12/u-s-treasury-commerce-depts-hacked-through-solarwinds-compromise/

Public Information / Alerts


CISA Alert 12/17 - Technical Breakdown of Threat Actor - Includes Report which will be under technical analysis https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/alerts/aa20-352a


SolarWinds Advisory - First Posted 12/13 Updated 12/16 - 9:30am CT https://www.solarwinds.com/securityadvisory

@chrismerkel - Chart of Solarwinds Version Timeline and Mallicious Versions https://twitter.com/chrismerkel/status/1339296920666304519?s=20

Joint Statement from the FBI, ODNI, and CISA https://www.cisa.gov/news/2020/12/16/joint-statement-federal-bureau-investigation-fbi-cybersecurity-and-infrastructure


Microsoft now in Control of C2 domains https://twitter.com/briankrebs/status/1338840527169613824?s=20

Reuters Story confirming Solarwinds FTP CDN password was "solarwinds123" https://www.reuters.com/article/global-cyber-solarwinds/hackers-at-center-of-sprawling-spy-campaign-turned-solarwinds-dominance-against-it-idUSKBN28P2N8

Solarwinds Best Practice had users disable the folders where the malware resided for all AV and Security products https://support.solarwinds.com/SuccessCenter/s/login/?language=en_US&startURL=%2FSuccessCenter%2Fs%2Farticle%2FFiles-and-directories-to-exclude-from-antivirus-scanning-for-Orion-Platform-products%3Flanguage%3Den_US&ec=302

Screenshot of Solarwinds Best Practice if you do not have support portal access https://twitter.com/ffforward/status/1338785034375999491/photo/1


Solarwinds SEC 8K Filings https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1739942/000162828020017451/swi-20201214.htm

Vinoth Kumar shares information about their responsible disclosure of Solarwinds FTP account password to their CDN password "solarwinds123" https://twitter.com/vinodsparrow/status/1338431183588188160?s=20

Kyle Hanslovan discovers SolarWinds is still listing the vulnerable package 24 hours after disclosure (Update: Package was removed) https://twitter.com/KyleHanslovan/status/1338360093767823362?s=20

CISA Directive to shutdown and remove Solarwinds from all Federal Civilian Agencies https://www.cisa.gov/news/2020/12/13/cisa-issues-emergency-directive-mitigate-compromise-solarwinds-orion-network


CISA Alert https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2020/12/13/active-exploitation-solarwinds-software

CISA Emergency Directive 21-01 - This is the actual directive ordering the shutdown of Solarwinds on Federal systems https://cyber.dhs.gov/ed/21-01/

Technical Analysis


Microsoft Analysis of Compromised DLL https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/12/18/analyzing-solorigate-the-compromised-dll-file-that-started-a-sophisticated-cyberattack-and-how-microsoft-defender-helps-protect/

Thread discussing Microsoft Analysis of Compromised DLL from Katie Nickels @likethecoins https://twitter.com/likethecoins/status/1340073702185119744?s=20

Breakdown and Walkthrough of Reversing Engineer Sunburst by Colin Hardy @cybercdh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoMwrkijTZ8

10 Splunk Dections from Jose Enrique Hernandez @d1vious https://twitter.com/d1vious/status/1339758518887473155?s=20 https://github.com/splunk/security-content/releases/tag/v3.10.0

Domaintools Analysis of Incident by Joe Slowik - @jfslowik https://www.domaintools.com/resources/blog/continuous-eruption-further-analysis-of-the-solarwinds-supply-incident

Microsoft 365 Defender Hunting Queries https://github.com/microsoft/Microsoft-365-Defender-Hunting-Queries/blob/master/Defense%20evasion/ADFSDomainTrustMods%5BSolarigate%5D.md

McAfee (Company, not person) Analysis of Sunburst https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/additional-analysis-into-the-sunburst-backdoor/

Kapersky identifies ~100 companies impacted by Sunburst https://securelist.com/sunburst-connecting-the-dots-in-the-dns-requests/99862/

RiskIQ API SunBurst Hunter Tool from Cory Kennedy https://github.com/NoDataFound/RiskIQ.SunBurst.Hunter

Walk through to identify base IOCs from Lifars https://lifars.com/2020/12/guide-to-check-for-sunburst-vulnerability-in-solarwinds/

Blog Post from Microsoft President - Brad Smith describing Global Response/Impact to Microsoft https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2020/12/17/cyberattacks-cybersecurity-solarwinds-fireeye/


CISA Technical Analysis of Threat Actor Group https://us-cert.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/AA20-352A-APT_Compromise_of_Government_Agencies%2C_Critical%20Infrastructure%2C_and_Private_Sector_Organizations.pdf

Malware Bytes Analysis of Sunburst https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2020/12/advanced-cyber-attack-hits-private-and-public-sector-via-supply-chain-software-update/

@Mubix's Technical Analysis including Solarflare tool for extracting passwords from Orion https://malicious.link/post/2020/solarflare-release-password-dumper-for-solarwinds-orion/

Cloudflare analysis of Sunburst traffic on networks they have visibility to https://blog.cloudflare.com/solarwinds-orion-compromise-trend-data/

Atlantic Council report on other supply chain attacks to give context to Solarwinds https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/report/breaking-trust-shades-of-crisis-across-an-insecure-software-supply-chain/


FireEye GitHub with Detections - Updated 12/16/2020 https://github.com/fireeye/sunburst_countermeasures

@webjedi - Amélie E. Koran's Blog post looking at the big picture tying together technical information, news, recent history, analysis of the attack, and more https://webjedi.net/2020/12/16/fighting-the-fire-bucket-brigade-not-more-matches/

SolarWinds Post-Compromise Hunting with Azure Sentinel https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-sentinel/solarwinds-post-compromise-hunting-with-azure-sentinel/ba-p/1995095

Splunk Blog Post on using Splunk to detect Sunburst - Incredible amount of detail on utilizing Splunk https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/sunburst-backdoor-detections-in-splunk.html Thanks for bringing this to my attention @phil_b_reed

Ryan Kovar - @meansec - Splunk Queries for Sunburst https://github.com/rkovar/sunburstlookups

TrendMicro Analysis https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/20/l/overview-of-recent-sunburst-targeted-attacks.html

Reversing Labs analysis of the malcious file build https://blog.reversinglabs.com/blog/sunburst-the-next-level-of-stealth

RedDrip begins mapping Domain Generation Algorithms to compromised sites used by Solarwinds malware Includes many large companies and universities. https://twitter.com/RedDrip7/status/1339168187619790848


SANS Internet Storm Center Diary - Published 12/14 - Updated 12/15/20 https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/26884

PICUS Analysis Map of TTPs to MITRE ATT&CK includes additional hashes https://www.picussecurity.com/resource/blog/ttps-used-in-the-solarwinds-breach

Bruce Schneier Summary Write-Up of the Duo MFA Bypass from the Voloxity Report https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2020/12/how-the-solarwinds-hackers-bypassed-duo-multi-factor-authentication.html


Volexity Technical Review of Dark Halo - More detail about O365 DUO MFA Bypass https://www.volexity.com/blog/2020/12/14/dark-halo-leverages-solarwinds-compromise-to-breach-organizations/

Analysis by Kyle Hanslovan https://twitter.com/KyleHanslovan/status/1338506923642122243

@Che331o's Summary Thread of Jake Williams @malwarejake's SANS slides related to the breach https://twitter.com/Ch33r10/status/1338612270033670144


FireEye Technical Analysis https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2020/12/evasive-attacker-leverages-solarwinds-supply-chain-compromises-with-sunburst-backdoor.html

Analysis by Kim Zetter https://twitter.com/KimZetter/status/1338305089597964290

Additional IOCs


YARA rule from Florian Roth @cyb3rops to detect compromised certificates https://twitter.com/cyb3rops/status/1339869191835430912?s=20 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/yara/apt_solarwinds_susp_sunburst.yar

PasteBin of AVSVMCLOUD PDNS from Joe Slowik - @jfslowik https://pastebin.com/T0SRGkWq

Check Point Research confirms TEARDROP memory-only dropper from Sunburst available in VirusTotal https://twitter.com/_CPResearch_/status/1339952318717063168?s=20 https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6e4050c6a2d2e5e49606d96dd2922da480f2e0c70082cc7e54449a7dc0d20f8d/detection

Windows Based Sunburst Domain Decoder from Netresec https://twitter.com/netresec/status/1339701012681134082?s=20 https://www.netresec.com/?page=Blog&month=2020-12&post=Reassembling-Victim-Domain-Fragments-from-SUNBURST-DNS

Additional DGA Decoding tool from 2igosha https://github.com/2igosha/sunburst_dga


DLL Locations where the Malicious DLL has been discovered in the file structure - Updated 12/16/20 https://gist.github.com/KyleHanslovan/0c8a491104cc55d6e4bd9bff7214a99e

Subdomain & DGA domain names used with Solarwinds Backdoor from @0xrb https://twitter.com/0xrb/status/1339199268146442241?s=20 https://pastebin.com/6EDgCKxd

IPv4, Ipv6, and DGA domain names useed with Sunburst from @bambenek https://github.com/bambenek/research/tree/main/sunburst


PICUS Analysis - Map of TTPs to MITRE ATT&CK includes additional hashes https://www.picussecurity.com/resource/blog/ttps-used-in-the-solarwinds-breach​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Additional Sunburst Hashes from Olaf Hartong https://gist.github.com/olafhartong/71ffdd4cab4b6acd5cbcd1a0691ff82f


Microsoft Security Response Center Blog Post https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2020/12/13/customer-guidance-on-recent-nation-state-cyber-attacks/

Unsubstantiated Conspiracy, FUD, or Selective Manipulation of Information

This section was added to help address questions that arise during meetings, etc., from individuals with potentially different news sources. This section includes items that are determined to be false or misleading. Hopefully this helps address comments in organizations before they become difficult to remove from internal conversations.


Theepochtimes - Dominion Software Intentionally Designed to Influence Election Results: Forensics Report https://www.theepochtimes.com/dominion-software-intentionally-designed-to-influence-election-results-forensics-report_3617675.html Report discussing findings from Allied Security Operations Group Forensic report of Antrim County Michigan voting systems. The report can be viewed in a somewhat redacted form here. https://beta.documentcloud.org/documents/20423772-antrim-county-forensics-report. It alleges that findings regarding the voting system software allowed for maniuplation of vote counts. There are many problems with this report. CNN completed fact checking showing this organization has a regular history of misrepresenting information or using inaccurate data - https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/16/politics/antrim-county-michigan-error-trump-tweets-fact-check/index.html Further, Chris Krebs testified before the Senate on the factual innaccuracies of the report. A main point was the reported "68% error reate" which is a misrepresentation. This percentage was likely a percentage of ballots that sent alerts because they may have been a read error, but were not changes in the ballot themselves. Further, where 0's were reported in tabulation this was a placeholder for a parameter and was a misinterpretted by the report. https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/12/16/antrim-county-report-debunked-by-former-trump-election-official/3923499001/ This is included because the Solarwinds breach, findings regarding Solarwinds (Serv-U software which was uneffected) backdoors, and alleged allection fraud are tied toegther. These is no factual correlation tying these together.

Just The News Claims Pentagon imposed emergency shutdown of SIPR (The network used to transmit classified information) https://justthenews.com/government/security/pentagon-imposed-emergency-shutdown-computer-network-handling-classified The article cites sources stating, "this never happens during the day" with is the strongest evidence offered. There are several sites reporting the emergency shutdown of SIPR, but link back to this story. Further, other posts conflate the CISA order to remove Solarwinds as evidence of the SIPR shutdown. There is no actual evidence or confirmation this actually happened currently. Even this did occur there is no evidence it is directly related to Solarwinds. Even if it occured and was related to Solarwinds the article states it is not unusual for SIPR to be taken offline, just that being done in the middle of the day was unusual. Further, it would seem appropriate to take the network offline until it can be determined there is no impact from the Solarwinds breach and the CISA order can be executed to shutdown Solarwinds systems. These stories misrepresent the availability of facts and make many assumptions about related issues.


Gateway Pundit Claims SolarWinds Vulnerability provides Backdoor Access to their Voting Machines https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/dominion-used-version-solarwinds-orion-platform-provides-backdoor-access-voting-machines/ This article takes two disperate facts and tries to connect them directly. Yes, the Solarwinds Orion patch containing malicious code allowed a backdoor. Yes, Dominion Voting Systems used Solarwinds software. However, as stated by Solarwinds they are used in 425 of 500 Fortune 500 companies. They are a fairly ubiqitous IT tool. There is absolute zero evidence the Solarwinds software gives any sort of direct access to voting machines or code running on them. An Internet Archive link shows the Solarwinds tool being used at Dominion Voting Systems as evidence for the assumption regarding voting macine access. The Solarwinds software is the Serv-U file sharing server - https://web.archive.org/web/20201214093452/http://dvsfileshare.dominionvoting.com/Web%20Client/Mobile/MLogin.htm The Solarwinds Security advisory from 12/6 states Serv-U products are believed to be unaffected - https://www.solarwinds.com/securityadvisory. The Solarwinds software shown as in use at Dominion Voting Systems is not part of identified vulnerable software making. Finally, even if direct code access or backdoors were available CISA worked to help advise state and local governments regarding vote security with ~95% of precincts having a verifiable paper ballot system along with their electronic voting. Even if voting software manipulated totals a manual recount of the paper records would identify the error. This is covered on the CISA Rumor Control page - https://www.cisa.gov/rumorcontrol#rumor17. There is no evidence of vote manipulation, especially via the Solarwinds breach.

Washington Post reports $280 million in Solarwinds stock was traded days before breach announcement This article is included here because it is being used to defend the potential insider trading and prove there was insider trading. The vast majority of these trades were completed by Thoma Bravo and Silver Lake Partners venture capital. There are some major concerns here as these to VC firms sit on the board of Solarwinds owning a majority of the company. A SEC investigation will likely occur to determine if there was insider trading. However, you will see the trades defended stating the outgoing CEO, Kevin Thompson's trades were planned. Thompson's trades were approximately $15 million, reported, and scheduled as part of a planned sell off. Some articles will conflate the Thoma Bravo and Silver Lake sales with the planned sale by the CEO.

Gateway Pundit claims links to left wing politics, China, and US Elections process tied to Solarwinds Breach https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-exclusive-owners-solarwinds-related-obama-clintons-china-hong-kong-us-election-process/ This article uses significant circumstantial evidence related to large equity firms and political donations. This article is all speculation with no actual evidence provided showing political influence being used to perpetrate the breach through board members. Further, it links these relationships to Dominion Voting Systems in an attempt to further undermine election results. There is no evidence of this and if there were CISA and Chris Krebs spent significant effort over the last four years working with state and local goverments to advise on the use of paper ballots verification. ~95% of precincts were using systems that had manually auditable paper ballots. There is no way to effectively "hack" this. As of this date all manual recounts matched the machine counts within the margin of error.


Gateway Pundit claims there was a raid on Solarwinds headquarters https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-fbi-texas-rangers-us-marshals-raid-solarwinds-hq-austin/ At the bottom of the article it includes a follow up tweet from the person that made the comment describing a raid at Solarwinds headquarters on Sean Hannity's radio show. They guest later says they never used the word raid. Law Enforcement agents going to the headquarters of an organization involved in a breach that could impact national security is a completely normal occurrence. There is no evidence this was a raid or the agents going to Solarwindsheadquarters were not there by invitation to cooperate with the breach response.