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CP Docker

CP Docker is a local development environment focuses on ClassicPress.

Table of Content

  1. Overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Getting Started
  4. How to Begin
  5. Resources
  6. Important Information


Sturdy Docker is an easy and automate local development environment for ClassicPress, WordPress and PHP applications that works on Linux, macOS, and Windows 10 with Windows Subsystem Linux 2.


Getting Started

Before you begin, I would like to point out one of the file that gets used often, and that file is custom.yml and when you docker up for the first time, it will then duplicate default.yml to custom.yml inside of the global folder and it will use that to generate any sites you want. By default, the only sites that gets create is the ClassicPress and WordPress.

    provision: true
    repo: https://github.com/benlumia007/cp-docker-sites.git
      - classicpress.test
      php: 7.4
      type: ClassicPress
        - query-monitor
        - WP_DEBUG

Supressing prompts for elevating privileges

To allow docker and wsl2 to automatically update the hosts file without asking for a sudo password, add one of the following snippets to a new sudoers file.

Allow passwordless (Linux environments)

The most easiest way to achieve powerless sudo is to add your user to the sudoers with no password and it works with Linux and macOS, by using sudo visudo.


Windows: UAC Prompt

You can use cacls or icacls to grant your user account permanent write permission to the system's hosts file. You have to open an elevated command prompt; hold ❖ Win and press X, then choose "Command Prompt (Admin)"

cacls %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts /E /G username:w

How to Begin

To begin, use git to clone the repository to anywhere

git clone git@github.com:benlumia007/cp-docker.git .dev

I would like to keep this simple so I'm going to clone the repository to a folder called WordPress and navigate to the folder

cd .dev

At this point, since all the volumes has been set already in the docker-compose.yml file, you don't need to do anything from here so to get started, please use the following command

sudo npm install
sudo npm link

You should now have some few options by typing sturdydocker -v or sturdydocker --version and you will see the following options

Usage: sturdydocker [command]


init        Create intial custom file
provision   Creae new site or sites
restart     Restart server container
shell       Bash shell for server container
start       Start server container
stop        Stop server container
up          Start server container
down        Destroy server container
pull        Pull image for server container
logs        Fetch log for server container

Run 'sturdydocker [command] help' for more information on a command.

The first thing you want to do is sturdydocker pull to pull the main image or you can just do a sturdydocker up to automatically pull down the image needed.


Let's begin provisioning by using the command sturdydocker provision. This will provision the following

- dashboard
- sites
- resources
  - phpmyadmin
  - tls-ca 


In the custom.yml file, there is a section where you will see

  - phpmyadmin
  - tls-ca

This is where any resources will go so that it will generated any resources that comes with. At this time, only phpMyAdmin and TLS-CA is included since the project itself will be using https rather than http for connection. As for the certificates, it will generate a root ca and the rest for sites. You should only need to install the ca.crt and it should be SSL ready.

So What's Included

When you look at the docker-compose.yml file in the .global folder, you will see only one image that takes care of all of your needs when doing development. Rather than setting up multiple services. I have managed to setup one image for all. This includes the following.

1. Apache (2.4.41)
2. MariaDB 10.5
3. PHP 7.4 and 8.1
4. MailCatcher
5. phpMyadmin


I decided to use Apache2 as default just because is a lot easier to maintain and easier to configure. At this moment. Sturdy Docker is using Apache 2.4.41. Please note that https is enabled by default so this means that when you create a new site for any project. HTTP will get redirected to HTTPS automatically so make sure to setup your certificates after doing a provision which is located in the certificates folder. Please use ca.crt (root certificate) and install.


I have decided to move from MySQL to MariaDB just because.

PHP 8.1

At this momemet, php 8.1 is set by default for all sites that gets created. As for ClassicPress and WordPress is defaulted to PHP 7.4 since they are not fully compatiible.

  type: WordPress
  php: 7.4


Sturdy Docker supports MailHog which can be use under http://localhost:8025 or http://dashboard.test:8025

Important Information

Here are some important information that you will need to know such as credientials


When working with ClassicPress, the username and password is

username: admin
password: password

To add a new ClassicPress, copy and paste this to custom.yml, and make sure the spacing is correct due to yaml rules

    provision: true
    repo: https://github.com/benlumia007/cp-docker-sites.git
      - example.test
      php: 7.4
      type: ClassicPress
        - query-monitor
        - WP_DEBUG


When working with WordPress, the username and password is

username: admin
password: password

To add a new WordPress, copy and paste this to custom.yml, and make sure the spacing is correct due to yaml rules

    provision: true
    repo: https://github.com/benlumia007/cp-docker-sites.git
      - example.test
      php: 7.4
      type: WordPress
        - query-monitor
        - WP_DEBUG


username: root
password: root

username: classicpress
password: classicpress

username: wordpress
password: wordpress