
Keep track of the movies you love!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small web application that allows a user to search for a movie title, click on that movie title for more information, and give that movie a thumbs up or thumbs down

  • User must be be able to search for a film by title and receive back information about said film.
  • User must be be able to look through title results, if there are more than one, and choose one to read more about the film.
  • User must be able to view a film detail page that has the following information:
    • Title
    • Director
    • Release Year
    • Description
    • Ability to rate film with thumbs up or down.
  • Implement some type of storage or database to persist film titles and amount of ratings.

How to setup and run this App

To run this app, download the project on your local computer and run the following script.

$ cd enfomasyon
$ npm install

Start server and access http://localhost:3000/

$ npm run start