

The following software packages are necessary for running the program :

Networkx (Library for the creation and manipulation of graphs) pip install networkx or Installing with Anaconda conda install -c anaconda networkx=1.11

Scipy (Library that contains modules for linear algebra) pip install scipy

Metis (Wrapper for the METIS library for partitioning graphs) pip install metis

In order to simplify package management and deployment you can install Anaconda :


With Anaconda you can create the envirorment that we used to develop the application by simply executing the following command :

conda env create -f environment.yml

To activate the envirorment : source activate Advanced-Algorithms-env


To execute the program :

python ./mlkp.py [-h] [-f FILE | -r DEGREE N_NODES] k

k is the number of partitions -f and -r are exclusive, either you indicate the FILE path where to read the graph or you indicate the DEGREE and the N_NODES (number of nodes) in order to generate a random graph with the previous criteria.


The program creates a file containing the partitioning dictionary (node name , partition)