
Collection of Reascripts created or modded by Claudiohbsantos

Primary LanguageLua

Claudiohbsantos reascripts

Claudiohbsantos scripts for Reaper, by Cockos

This repository contains all of my scripts that are available to the community. Please let me know if you have any problems with any of them and I'll try my best to help you out

Url to import into Reapack:


How to Install this repository into Reapack?

In order to download any of the scripts in this repository and have access to the updates, you need to install the Reapack Extension. Once installed, go to Extensions > Reapack > Import a repository... and paste the following URL:


Import Repo

After this you should be able to see this repository in your main repositories list.

Imported Repo

You can now browse Reapack normally and all scripts in here will be included in your results.