ClaudiuBrandusa's Following
- mustafacagriİstanbul / ✈️ 🌎
- kenjinoteJapan
- Rodrigo-CnGuanambi - Bahia - Brazil
- LaurieWired
- azurespheredevMcKinsey & Company
- Soheib-KianiIran
- morganm94Drivingo
- codediodeioFireship LLC
- MitDan98PlentyMarkets
- jasonpettrone
- donnes@levers-inc
- enriquemorenotentFreelance Web Developer
- lazaro92RemoteES (
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- dotnet-architecture
- mateasmarioTimișoara, România
- chirigutraulNanolabs Electronics
- fortunabUVT and KOV
- ciociandorinRaiffeisen
- AndreeaBrandusa
- SilviuGC
- ElfocrashLondon, UK
- MelbourneDeveloperMelbourne, Australia
- QianMoTencent
- cssandrey123
- NorbertSzogi
- andydeac
- keijiroUnity Technologies Japan
- iulian-b97
- andreipintilieDream Production
- Denis-Feier
- Costyyy