Get overview over N SQL Instances databases migrations readiness
REQUIREMENTS MS Data Migration Assistant installed - - PowerShell Module SQLPS
DESCRIPTION The data migration consist of the 2 PowerShell files and 1 CSV file contains a server/instance list
- RunMigration.ps1
- DataMigration.ps1
- myServers.csv (Sample)
Place the 2 .ps1 files in the same folder (C:\SolidQ). Set folder to C:\SolidQ\
To run the solution use ISE or PS Commandline
The "exeute" file are RunMigration.ps1 it takes the following parameters
- Projectname
- SQLInstanceListLocation "CSV file"
- ResultOutputPath "C:\Result
- OutputFormat Save result as Json, CSV or both
- Target "SqlServer2016", "AzureSqlDatabase", "Both"
- MaxTreads "Number of simultaneous analyzing SQL Instances - reduce CPU and memory utilizing"
Script will add a Status/Error file in the ResultOutputPath folder for debug
SAMPLE .\RunMigration.ps1 -ProjectName "testing" -SQLInstanceListLocation "C:\temp\myServers.csv" -ResultOutputPath "C:\temp" -OutputFormat "JSON" -Target Both -MaxTreads 2