
George Hiring Github Pull Request Factory

Primary LanguageKotlin


George Hiring Github Pull Request Factory

The github-pr-factory allows creating pull requests via command line. The candidate has to create git branches with the following naming scheme:


for example:


Branching rules

The candidate hast to create a new branch when

  • a new iteration starts
  • a new pairing partner joins.

For example: a new iteration starts:

For example: a new pairing partner joins:

Note: New branches always must branch of the previous branch.

github-pr-factory usage

Usage: github-pr-factory [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version   Show the version and exit
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit

  open   pull requests. App prompts for options if not passed
  close  pull requests. App prompts for options if not passed

github-pr-factory open usage

Usage: github-pr-factory open [OPTIONS]

  Opens pull requests. App prompts for options if not passed.

  -d, --debug
  -fn, --first-name TEXT           Candidate's first name
  -ln, --last-name TEXT            Candidate's last name
  -g, --github-token TEXT          Your personal GitHub authorization token.
                                   Can be set in a file user.properties in the
                                   root directory. The file's format:
  -l, --last-finsished             Was the last iteration finished by the
                                   candidate? App doesn't prompt for this
  -h, --help                       Show this message and exit

github-pr-factory close usage

Usage: github-pr-factory close [OPTIONS]

  Closes pull requests. App prompts for options if not passed.

  -d, --debug
  -g, --github-token TEXT  Your personal GitHub authorization token. Can be
                           set in a file user.properties in the root
                           directory. The file's format:
  -fn, --first-name TEXT   Candidate's first name
  -ln, --last-name TEXT    Candidate's last name
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit

user.properties - Setting user properties to reduce typing

You can set your Github authentication token in a file called user.properties. The github-pr-factory app expects the file to be either on the classpath or in the same directory in which the app gets executed. In case you are using a user.properties you can set the Github authentication token by adding a key-value-pair github-token=TODO to the file where the TODO must be replaced with your token. Therefore, you don't need to pass the token neither to the open nor close command.

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