WANDERING MINI BOSSES \O/ (also, StS 2nd Anniversary Mod)

The framework for this mod:

Monsters that appear in the middle of combat and stay for a few rounds during which they do actions (like debuffs, attacks, etc) after which they'll run away. All damage they incurred will be saved and when you encounter them again in the same run, they'll have the same health. Encountering them in a higher act changes their movement pattern/damage/etc. Killing them results in a neat relic/card/potion/etc reward.

You only have one monster per run, it's decided at the start of the run. Monsters will stay about 3 turns. Health should be around act 2 boss range.

This mod is not for adding relics to the relics pool, so if you want to make those, make a companion mod to this one. (Relics as rewards for beating a Nemesis are ok)

.Jars Needed

Base game, BaseMod 5.17.0, ModTheSpire 3.15.0, StSLib 1.17.3.


Current odds of a wandering mini boss showing up in a room: 15% at first per combat, goes up by 7% with every combat nonseen.

  • Odds for appearing at the next room, after appearing once: 15%.
  • Odds for appearing at the 2nd next room, etc: 85/100 * 22/100 = 18,7%.
  • Odds for appearing at the 3rd next room, etc: 85/100 * 78/100 * 29/100 = 19,2%.
  • Odds for appearing at the 4th next room, etc: 85/100 * 78/100 * 71/100 * 36/100 = 16,9%.
  • Odds for appearing at the 5th next room, etc: 85/100 * 78/100 * 71/100 * 64/100 * 43/100 = 12,9%.
  • Odds for appearing at the 6th next room, etc: 85/100 * 78/100 * 71/100 * 64/100 * 57/100 * 50/100 = 8.5%.