A highly scaleable vehicle fleet monitoring and management system. Pilot testing ongoing in UP Diliman.
Try the JeePS web app now! https://jeeps-view.onrender.com/
Visit our blog: https://www.notion.so/clawber/Project-JeePS-Blog-25d7e6bc7d5e4cee8deb14a305e648f5
You may also find our System Requirements and Maintenance Plan in the blog.
To sign up as an administrator, contact the JeePS developers for the admin key.
This section is for those looking to further develop or maintain this project.
Note: Make sure to run the given commands in the root directory of the project.
- Install
. This will be our framework. - Install PostgreSQL for local development.
- Create your own .env file and put it in the project root. The content format should be:
SECRET_KEY=<put your secret key here, used in hashing passwords>
ADMIN_KEY=<used for verifying sign up attempts>
APIKEY=<used for directly connecting to database>
DATABASE_URL=<remote PSQL url>
LOCAL_DB_URL=<development PSQL url>
- Afterwards, run this command first to install the dependencies.
npm install
- Then, start the backend server using:
# This defaults to port 8080
npm start
- Then, start the frontend development server using:
npm run dev
# Or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
To preview a production version of your app, run:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment. In our case, we have an adapter for Render (see
Client and Supervisor
Dr. Ligaya Leah Figueroa <llfigueroa@up.edu.ph>
- Carl David B. Ragunton <cbragunton@up.edu.ph>
- John Erick S. Sarenas <jssarenas@up.edu.ph>
- Prinz Romeo O. Gan <pogan3@up.edu.ph>
- Yenzy Urson S. Hebron <yshebron@up.edu.ph>
CS 192: Software Engineering II
2nd Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
University of the Philippines Diliman
© Course Materials by Dr. Ligaya Leah Figueroa