Adding language to Clay
Install Miniconda from here and then run the following commands to create the earth-text-env environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate earth-text-env
Next, install the package:
pip install -e .
or if you want development dependencies as well:
pip install -e .[dev]
Install pre-commit by running the following command to automatically run code formatting and linting before each commit:
pre-commit install
If using pre-commit, each time you commit, your code will be formatted, linted, checked for imports, merge conflicts, and more. If any of these checks fail, the commit will be aborted.
To add a new package to the environment, open pyproject.toml file and add the package name to "dependencies" list. Then, run the following command to install the new package:
pip install -e . # or .[dev]