
A Web Page to Render Remote Markdown File

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A Web Page to Render Remote Markdown File

Query Syntax

  • source: bool, default: false, whether source code should be displayed
  • sanitize: bool, default: true, whether compiled markdown should be sanitized
  • control: bool, default: true, whether to display control area
  • credit: bool, default: true, whether to display credit area
  • lang: string, default: en_us, language to be displayed, current available language: en_us, zh_cn, zh_tw
  • hlStyle: string, default: github-gist, highlight style to be used, see Hightlight Styles for more information
  • hlLevel: number, default: 1, level of language support for highlight, note that higher levels introduce loading delay, available levels: 1, 2, 3
  • url: string, markdown file to be loaded, this value should be a escaped URL and MUST BE THE LAST KEY

Highlight Styles

Available Styles: a11y-dark, a11y-light, agate, an-old-hope, androidstudio, arduino-light, arta, ascetic, atelier-cave-dark, atelier-cave-light, atelier-dune-dark, atelier-dune-light, atelier-estuary-dark, atelier-estuary-light, atelier-forest-dark, atelier-forest-light, atelier-heath-dark, atelier-heath-light, atelier-lakeside-dark, atelier-lakeside-light, atelier-plateau-dark, atelier-plateau-light, atelier-savanna-dark, atelier-savanna-light, atelier-seaside-dark, atelier-seaside-light, atelier-sulphurpool-dark, atelier-sulphurpool-light, atom-one-dark-reasonable, atom-one-dark, atom-one-light, brown-paper, brown-papersq, codepen-embed, color-brewer, darcula, dark, darkula, default, docco, dracula, far, foundation, github-gist, github, gml, googlecode, gradient-dark, grayscale, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, hopscotch, hybrid, idea, ir-black, isbl-editor-dark, isbl-editor-light, kimbie.dark, kimbie.light, lightfair, magula, mono-blue, monokai-sublime, monokai, night-owl, nord, obsidian, ocean, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pojoaque, purebasic, qtcreator_dark, qtcreator_light, railscasts, rainbow, routeros, school-book, shades-of-purple, solarized-dark, solarized-light, sunburst, tomorrow-night-blue, tomorrow-night-bright, tomorrow-night-eighties, tomorrow-night, tomorrow, vs, vs2015, xcode, xt256, zenburn


Vue Marked DOMPurify Superagent Highlight.js Typora