An simulated rune client from Runescape 1 era, using the mudclient177-deob.
java -jar ./rune.jar members=<members> address=<ip address> port=<port> rsaExponent=<RSA Exponent> rsaModulus=<RSA Modulus>
- pass true to tell client to load members config or false to load free config
<ip address>
- an IPv4 address where the RSC177 compatible server is hosted
- network port number (e.g. 43594)
<RSA Exponent>
<RSA Modulus>
- These two are used together to encrypt password, unique to each server
- Original client loaded an html page containing the applet, which since 2015 is no longer supported
- A static background image is set to style 2003, where the top banner is fixed
- Command line arguments to help facilitate changing the client's endpoint