
Bootstrap v4/Reat Router v4 tabs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

c2-routable-tabs CircleCI

The routable tabs component combines bootstrap v4's tabs with react-router v4's router.


import {Tabs, Tab} from 'c2-routable-tabs'

function Example () {
    return (
        <Tabs className='my-custom-tabs'>
          <Tab to='/' exact title='Home'>
          <Tab to='/bar' title='Bar'>
          <Tab to='/baz' title='Baz'>

See the working example.

<Tabs/> Props

className: string

Additional class name(s) you would like to apple to the container div.

children: Tab|Tab[]

Tab components.

<Tab/> Props

to: string

React router path.

exact: boolean

When true, will activate tab only when the location is matched exactly.

title: string

Title of the tab.

subtabs: array|[{to: string, title: string}]

Array of objects containing to and title props.