

  • Python 3
  • Ubuntu/Linux

Setup require

  • PostgreSQL
  • Keycloak authentication
  • Janus WebRTC

1. Installation

1.1 Install PostgreSQL, Keycloak, Janus WebRTC

docker-compose -f .docker/prod-docker-compose.yml up -d

1.2 Using pip3 to install modules

pip3 install -r requirement.txt

2. Configuration

2.1 Keycloak authentication

Setup Keycloak and login as Administrator.

Realm common setting

  • Use default Master realm or create new realm
  • In General tab: setting value for Frontend URL if you want to use custom domain
  • In Login tab: switch on Verify email and Login with email
  • In Token tab: enable Revoke Refresh Token
  • In Email tab: setting SMTP email

Setting for client:

In menu Clients, need config for client admin-cli and client account. Get the config and fill to json config file in project:

For client admin-cli:

  • In Settings:
    • Direct Access Grants Enabled: swicht ON
    • Service Accounts Enabled: switch ON
    • Access Type: select 'confidential'
    • In section OpenID Connect Compatibility Modes:
      • Enable Use Refresh Tokens For Client Credentials Grant
  • In Service Account Roles:
    • Assign role manage-users to Client Roles realm-management

Need fill to the configuration file in project:

"keycloak_admin": {  
      "server_url": "keycloak-server-url",  
      "client_id": "admin-cli",  
      "username": "admin-user-name",  
      "password": "admin-password",  
      "realm_name": "realm-name-1",  
      "client_secret_key": ""  

For client account:

  • In Settings:
    • Direct Access Grants Enabled: switch ON
    • Access Type: select 'confidential'
    • In section OpenID Connect Compatibility Modes:
      • Enable Use Refresh Tokens For Client Credentials Grant

Need fill to the configuration file in project:

"keycloak_account": {  
  "server_url": "keycloak-server-url",  
  "client_id": "account",  
  "realm_name": "realm-name-1",  
  "client_secret_key": "secret-key"  

2.2 Janus WebRTC

Need to fill the configuration file in project:

"janus_webrtc": {  
  "admin_url": "janus-webrtc-admin-url",  
  "client_url" : "janus-webrtc-client-url",  
  "client_ws_url" : "janus-webrtc-client-ws-url",  
  "admin_secret": ""  

Check configuration file of Janus docker in:


Setting stun_server in Nat

Set admin_secret and fill to configuration file

Check configuration file of Janus docker in to set path and port:


2.3 Other configurations

Project required some configurations, please fill in project config file:

  • Aws S3 storage
  • Social login (Facebook, android, office360)
  • Firebase push notification
  • Stun/turn server
  • OTP sender server (currently is twillio)

3. Run project

Genrate protobuf files:

sh proto/

Run project

