
Move ParentheticalAnntoator to cleartk-util where it belongs

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Original issue 400 created by ClearTK on 2014-03-29T18:01:42.000Z:

We never moved it because it has a dependency on the the type system. it is not a strict dependency and it is easy enough to decouple it. It does require, however, a backwards incompatible change to the getDescription methods. I'm going to go ahead and change it as part of Issue # 388 which calls for making all package names consistent.

Comment #1 originally posted by ClearTK on 2014-03-30T15:56:43.000Z:

This was fixed along with issue # 388. There is no longer a default value for the parameter named by PARAM_PARENTHETICAL_TYPE_NAME. So, now the getDescription methods each have a class parameter that specifies it.