- 4
Exception: ... type Annotation "was not declared in the XML type descriptor."
#470 opened by seanfinan - 1
- 0
Update dependencies (3.0.0)
#457 opened by reckart - 0
Remove use of deprecated OSS Sonatype parent POM
#465 opened by reckart - 0
Ability to work in multi-classloader environments
#463 opened by reckart - 0
Update dependencies (2.1.x)
#448 opened by reckart - 0
Introduce a BOM
#460 opened by reckart - 2
Clear TK uses org.apache.opennlp:opennlp-tools:1.5.3 which contains know security issue - should be upgraded to, at-least, 1.8.2
#435 opened by joelpeddie - 0
Add Maven dependency checking plugin
#453 opened by reckart - 1
- 0
Upgrade to UIMAv3
#442 opened by reckart - 0
Support for Apache OpenNLP Named Entity Recognition
#423 opened by mjlaali - 0
WEKA support
#427 opened by mjlaali - 0
- 0
cleartk-type-system error
#418 opened by RengarAndKhz - 0
Tokenization in the Berkeley parser wrapper may be not compatible with the PTB
#420 opened by mjlaali - 0
- 0
When using WekaStringOutcomeClassifier then NotImplementedException is thrown
#416 opened by bethard - 1
cleartk-summarization: types.txt resource in the wrong folder, causes JCas type errors.
#408 opened by bethard - 0
CrfSuiteStringOutcomeDataWriter ignores NameNumber.value when encoding features
#409 opened by bethard - 3
- 0
Provide example of how to wrap a ClearTK AE into a simple API that any java program can call
#403 opened by bethard - 1
- 1
Mallet data alphabet keep growing when using a CRF
#406 opened by bethard - 0
LineWriter should use best practices WRT uimaFIT
#399 opened by bethard - 1
MalletStringOutcomeDataWriter will use only the last word of an outcome when generating Mallet input instances
#402 opened by bethard - 2
- 1
add lexical sim features to DPK
#413 opened by bethard - 1
- 1
- 1
Implement Semantic-Syntactic Tree Kernel (SSTK)
#411 opened by bethard - 3
- 1
generalized tree kernel framework
#400 opened by bethard - 2
The MutualInformationTest.testMutualInformationFeatureSelection() is failed in Java 1.8.0
#415 opened by bethard - 4
remove ClearTK download
#401 opened by bethard - 1
- 1
handle unknown words in cosine similarity function
#414 opened by bethard - 3
Losing cause exception stack traces
#396 opened by bethard - 8
Division by zero in ZeroMeanUnitStddevExtractor
#397 opened by bethard - 1
- 6
TF-IDF uses integer division for calculating IDF
#394 opened by bethard - 1
XmiCasDeserializerAE to use with UriCollectionReader
#395 opened by bethard - 8
XmiWriter in examples should be moved to cleartk-util
#389 opened by bethard - 4
LineReader creates a non-file URI
#390 opened by bethard - 3
Neither of the Document classifications are working.
#392 opened by bethard - 7
- 2
ClearTk still on uimafit-core 2.0.0 and uimaj-core 2.5.0, incompatible with current uima
#432 opened by ThomasGinter - 0
Remove Eclipse metadata from repository
#446 opened by reckart - 1
Instructions to run TimeMLAnnotate
#430 opened by koustuvsinha - 1
Update ClearNLP to 3.2.0
#419 opened by leebecker