
This repository provides an example of generating a dataset with an agent-based approach. The dataset contains customer purchase histories, and is created by simulating interactions between products, customers, and stores.


  • The main script responsible for generating the TRANSACTIONS table using an agent-based approach.
  • params.yaml: A configuration file containing various parameters that can be used to fine-tune the generation of the TRANSACTIONS table.
  • PRODUCTS.csv: A synthetically generated table containing information about various products.
  • CUSTOMERS.csv: A synthetically generated table containing information about customers.
  • STORES.csv: A synthetically generated table containing information about stores.
  • TRANSACTIONS.csv: The output file containing the generated customer purchase histories.


To generate the TRANSACTIONS table, simply run the script:


This will produce a TRANSACTIONS.csv file containing customer purchase histories generated using the agent-based approach.

Configuration You can customize the dataset generation by modifying the parameters in the params.yaml file. Some of the parameters you can adjust include:

  • num_transactions: The total number of transactions to generate.
  • min_products_per_transaction: The minimum number of products per transaction.
  • max_products_per_transaction: The maximum number of products per transaction.
  • n_days: number of days covered by the simulation.
  • n_customers: number of agents to include in the simulation.
  • price_propensity[1-10]: this coefficient can be used to tune the probability distribution defining the probability of a purchase as a function of the product price (see docs for more details).
  • income_propensity[0-0.8]: this coefficient defines a modifier to the purchase propensity based on the agent income (see docs for more details).