The objective of this package is to implement some shape feature extraction for functional data analysis (FDA).


FDA aims at analyzing a dataset where each sample x_i is a realisation of an unknown function f which depends on a continuous variable t.

As we work with multivariate data, each x_i is a vector containing samples of f along t, where f may be scalar- or vector-valued. In FDA, x_i is approximated by a functional variable written as the linear combination spaned by an orthogonal functional basis (e.g B-splines, Fourier, wavelets). In our context, we use such an approximation as a building block to ease the computation of (functional) shaped-based features (e.g curvature, velocity, arc length) that require accurate estimates of derivatives and integrals.

This package is based on Scikit-fda, see notebooks for examples.


You only need to install the library scikit-fda and its dependencies to use this package Note: scikit-fda requires Visual studio Build tools as C++ compiler.


git clone
pip install ./curve_shape_analysis



The people involved in the development are Guillaume Bernard, Clément Lejeune, Sandra Ferrieres and Olivier Teste.