- Look at each part of the app
- reducer, action etc.
- Imagine telling a friend 'here's what this bit of code does'
- Write a test to verify each part does what you expect
- App component
- shows the comment box inside it
- shows the comment list inside it
- CommentBox component
- shows a text area and a button
- users can enter input into the text area and submit it
- when the input is submitted, textarea should get emptied
- CommentList component
- shows one 'li' element per comment
- text from each comment is visible
- Comments reducer
- properly hands actions with a type of 'SAVE_COMMENT'
- doesn't throw an error if it gets an action with any other type
- SaveComment action
- has a type of 'SAVE_COMMENT'
- produces an action that has a payload of the new comment's text
Structure of an expect function:
expect(value that we are inspecting). matcher statement (value that we expect to see);
Once a test passes, try to break it!
I'm aware that Enzyme is deprecated at the time of writing (April 2022) and I will be switching to React Testing Library after this project.
Render the given component and return plain HTML
Render 'just' the given component and none of it's children
Render the component and all of the its children + let us modify it afterwards
- Find the element
- Simulate a 'change' event
- Provide a fake event object
- Force the component to update: setState is async so we are forcing the component to rerender
- Assert that the textAreas value has changed
Unit | Integration |
Few parts | Many parts |
Does the CommentBox show a button? | Does clicking 'Fetch Comments' show a list of 'LI's? |
Does the CommentList produce a list of 'LI' elements? | |
Does the action creator return an object? |
- Simulating click event on the button element
- action creator gets called
- request is issued - with moxios
- test suite checks to see if 2 LIs are visible
- request succeeds, reducer picks up comments - provided by moxioss