
Stand-alone C++ Back End of https://github.com/Clemapfel/mousetrap.jl

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Mousetrap: GTK4-based GUI Engine

If you are looking to run mousetrap using Julia, you are in the wrong place. Please visit mousetrap.jl instead.

Standalone C++ component of the mousetrap GUI engine.

While it can be used on its own, this library should be considered the back-end for the Julia component. The C++ -> Julia interface is available here.

Note that documentation is lacking, a full manual and tutorial is available for the Julia component only, which was the focus of development and polish. Autogenerated documentation as a well as a few examples can be found here.



Linux: Debian / Ubuntu

Execute, in any public directory:

sudo apt-get install aptitude   
sudo aptitude install 
 cmake \             # install CMake
 libgtk-4-dev \      # install GTK4
 libadwaita-1-dev \  # install Adwaita
 libgl1-mesa-dev  \  # install OpenGL
 libglm-dev  \       # install GLM
 libglew-dev         # install GLEW
sudo dnf install 
  cmake \             # install CMake
  gtk4-devel \        # install GTK4
  libadwaita-devel \  # install Adwaita
  glm-devel  \        # install GLM
  glew-devel \       # install GLEW

Where OpenGL is usually installed automatically on Fedora.


Install homebrew, then, in any public directory:

sudo brew install 
  cmake \  # install CMake
  gtk4 \   # install GTK4
  glm  \   # install GLM
  glew     # install GLEW

Consider following guides linked here, in order to install each of the following dependencies:

To acquire adwaiata, download the already compiled shared library here.

GLM (OpenGL Mathematics) is header-only, download the source code here, then install it such that it can be found by cmake.

OpenGL will usually be available through the wrapper shared library OPENGL32.dll, which should come with any Window 10 or newer system.


Enter a bash console, then, in any public directory:

git clone https://github.com/Clemapfel/mousetrap.git
cd mousetrap
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install -j 8

If you would like to use meson instead of CMake, do:

git clone https://github.com/Clemapfel/mousetrap.git
cd mousetrap
meson setup build
cd build
sudo meson install

After which you can include mousetrap in your own CMakeLists.txt files likes so:


First, create a file main.cpp:

#include <mousetrap.hpp>
using namespace mousetrap;

int main()
    auto app = Application("test.app");
    app.connect_signal_activate([](Application& app)
        auto window = Window(app);
        auto label = Label("Hello World!");

    return app.run();

Then, CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)

set(TARGET_NAME example_target)
set(PROJECT_NAME example_project)


find_package(mousetrap REQUIRED)

add_executable(${TARGET_NAME} main.cpp)

target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE

target_include_directories(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE

target_compile_features(${TARGET_NAME} PUBLIC

Where find_package(mousetrap) sets two variables, MOUSETRAP_LIBRARIES and MOUSETRAP_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, which we made available to the new executable using target_link_libraries and target_include_directories.

Afterwards, you should be able to build your app using:

# in the same directory as our own `CMakeLists.txt`
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# will deposit executable example_project_test


Auto-generated documentation is available here.


Mousetrap is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0.


This library was created by C.Cords.