This is my work done for the TIPE in CPGE. It is about the dollar game.
The report
folder contains the tex source of the report (in french), one dependancy file to compile it, and the precompiled pdf. It presents the rules of the game, its stake, which is finding a minimal sequence of moves to solve the game, and my work.
The dollar_game
folder contains the source of the program used to study the dollar game and to play around with.
You can either load a custom graph from a .json
file in the dollar_game
folder (some are provided as examples), or generate a random graph when the program launches.
For example, to load the custom graph graph_peterson
, the beginning of dollar_game.pyde
should look like this :
custom_graph = True
custom_graph_name = "graph_peterson"
random_graph_size = 15
random_graph_degree = 4
To generate a random graph, set custom_graph
to False
. Here 15 represents the number of vertices of the graph, and 4 the maximum degree of the graph.
To play the game, left click on a vertex to do a give move, or right click to do a borrow move. You can also drag vertices to adjust their position. When solved, the square in the bottom right corner becomes green. The red number on a vertex represent its number, while the white number is the dollar amount it has.
The program includes some algorithms which will try to solve the game. You can select the algorithm by using the b
and n
keys. Then press the Manual
button to switch to the Automatic
You can also reset a graph (it won't reset the position of the vertices however), save its current state (if you click it multiple time, it will not overwrite the previous saves), and finally minimize the sequence you or an algorithm found.
On the left is the list of moves you or the algorithm made. A <-> 6
means that the vertex 6
made a give move, while >-< 10
means that the vertex 10
made a borrow move.
A benchmarking mode was added to test performances of an algorithm. Select an algorithm first using the b
and n
keys, then press t
to start the benchmark. To stop it, just press t
again. The benchmark will use randomly generated graphs with the parameters given at the beginning of the dollar_age.pyde
file. You can also ajust the number of graphs you want the algorithm to test by changing the benchmark_count
variable. If an algorithm could not solve a graph, you can adjust benchmark_moves_attempts
, which hold the number of moves it will try before giving up and going to the next graph.
You can then consult the result of the benchmark by pressing y
. It will create a file results.csv
and output values to it, like the maximum number of moves for a graph, the average, the number of moves after minimizing the sequence, and so on.
For the program to launch, you will need Processing and its module PyProcessing, available to download inside the software.
To open the project, just open dollar_game.pyde
with Processing, then click on the launch button.