
Automation for updating Git and Mercurial Repositories.
This Script will search the given folder for repositories and automatically update them.
It can also be used to commit / push or clean the repos.

How to run:

  • create a file like
  • it can be named however you want

To use the updater, run this command:
python config 0
insert your config-name | 0 means update, 1 means upload

So you can have multiple configs for different updaters with different folder collections. (For example, you can have one for work, one for blender-addons, and a private one etc.)

On windows you can create .bat files like the bat.example to get a one click solution. If you create a shortcut to the .bat you can select one of the given icons and add it to your startup programs.

Note that this is not meant for crazy advanced repo stuff like solving merge conflicts. It's meant for simple pull commit and push tasks.