To-Do App

This project is a simple to-do app made with React.



npm install



npm run dev


npm run build


To-Do Lists

A To-Do List is a collection of tasks with a title.

Features :

  • Create lists with or without tasks
  • Remove a list
  • Change the title of a list


A task is a collection of properties:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Kanban tag (To Do, In Progress, Testing, Done)
  • Priority tag (Low, Medium, High)
  • Custom Tag

Features :

  • Edit the title of a task
  • Mark a task as done
  • Mark a task as undone
  • Change the priority tag of a task
  • Add or change the custom tag of a task
  • Change the KanBan tag of a task
  • Open the task details page

Custom Tags

A custom tag is a tag that can be added to a task. It has a name, a background color and a text color.

Features :

  • Create custom tags


  • To-Do List View
  • Kanban Board View
  • Task Details View


  • Make the Light/Dark mode property persistent
  • Add a search bar to the To-Do list view
  • align tags in the To-Do list view
  • Allow the user to delete a custom tag