
Bugs you have faced

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English 🇬🇧

Stack: JEE, Java8, Wildfly 20 (2022)

1: Siblings of @Timeout Object will rollback when it catch Exceptions:

The problem happens when a Runtime exception is catch in a child Object of a transactional @Timeout Object. An EJB that catch a Runtime exception without the annotation @ApplicationException(rollback = true) will automatically rollback. In this case the AbstractTimer Object extends by the broker used the @Timout annotation, this annotation make the Object transactional and managed by EJB. The behavior will be affected and the broker will be automatically restart after the rollback. The solution is to set the Object Non-Transactional with @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NEVER) annotation.

    public abstract class AbstractTimer {
        private TimerService timerService
        private Timer timer;
        private void init() {
        timer = timerService.createCalendarTimer(SchedulerExpression, timerConfig);
        public void callBack() {
        protected abstract void doSomething();

    public class Scheduler extends AbstractTimer {
        protected void doSomething() {
            try {
            } catch (IOExcetpion exception) {

2: line endings with carriage return and line feed on different environments

When we develop on two distinct environments like Windows\Unix, there is differences. In the case of unit tests we expect to have the same behavior after processing. For processing or generating file the result can be different on Windows or Unix, Windows use the carriage return and line feed at the end of the line CRLF also called \r\n whereas Unix use just line feed LF also called \n. The git repository will contain only one type and using both can be a problem. To uniform the repository it needs to create the .gitattributes file to define attributs to the repository like the line ending for a type of file for example:

# Set the default behavior, in case people don't have core.autocrlf set.
* text=auto

# Explicitly declare text files you want to always be normalized and converted
# to native line endings on checkout.
*.c text
*.h text

# Declare files that will always have CRLF line endings on checkout.
*.sln text eol=crlf

# Declare file that will have CRLF ending
test.xml eol=crlf

# Denote all files that are truly binary and should not be modified.
*.png binary
*.jpg binary

Find problem 🔎

Tips to find problems:

.1 Debug and follow steps of code to find when the problem happens.

.2 Analyse modifications of PR/MR, verify parameters, assignations and line inversions.

.3 Analyse the behavior between existing code and current branch.

.4 Read documentation about used annotations or libraries

Français 🇫🇷

Stack: JEE, Java8, Wildfly 20 (2022)

1: Un enfant d'une classe @Timeout va rollback quand il catch une Exception:

Le problème survient lorsqu'une exception Runtime est catché dans l'objet enfant. Un EJB qui va catcher une Runtime exception non annoté @ApplicationException(rollback = true) va rollback automatiquement. Le AbstractTimer dont hérite le broker exploite l'annotation @Timout qui est transactionel ce qui affecterait apparemment son comportement et le relancerait automatiquement après le rollback. La solution est de rendre l'Object Non-Transactional @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NEVER).

    public abstract class AbstractTimer {
        private TimerService timerService
        private Timer timer;
        private void init() {
        timer = timerService.createCalendarTimer(SchedulerExpression, timerConfig);
        public void callBack() {
        protected abstract void doSomething();

    public class Scheduler extends AbstractTimer {
        protected void doSomething() {
            try {
            } catch (IOExcetpion exception) {

2: Fin de ligne et retour chariot et line feed sur des environnements différents

Quand on développe sur deux environnement distinct comme Windows\Unix il y a des différences, dans le cas des tests unitaires on s'attend à avoir le même résultat après le traitement. Pour le traitement ou la génération d'un fichier le resultat peut être différent sur Windows ou Unix, Windows utilise en fin de ligne les retours chariots et line feed CRLF appelé \r\n alors que sur Unix utilise juste line feed LF appelé \n. Le repository git va contenir un unique type et l'utilisation des deux peut poser des problèmes.
Pour uniformiser le repository il faut définir un fichier .gitattributes pour définir des attributs au repository git comme le type de retour chariot pour un format de fichiers:

# Set the default behavior, in case people don't have core.autocrlf set.
* text=auto

# Explicitly declare text files you want to always be normalized and converted
# to native line endings on checkout.
*.c text
*.h text

# Declare files that will always have CRLF line endings on checkout.
*.sln text eol=crlf

# Declare file that will have CRLF ending
test.xml eol=crlf

# Denote all files that are truly binary and should not be modified.
*.png binary
*.jpg binary

Trouver le probleme 🔎

Conseils pour trouver le problème:

.1 Debuguer et suivre les étapes pour trouver à quel moment le problème arrive.

.2 Analyser les modifications PR/MR, vérifier parametres, assignations et inversions de lignes.

.3 Analyser le comportement entre l'existant et la branche courante

.4 Lire la documentation sur l'utilisation d'annotations ou bibliothèques...