
Web extension to sync bookmarks between browsers to the cloud file host of your choice

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


What it does

A web extension to synchronize bookmarks between browsers. Supports the following features:

  • Sync bookmarks as a single backup file to Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box
  • Works in Firefox, Google Chrome, Vivaldi, and Brave desktop browsers
  • Configurable automatic sync

Note that this extension talks to a companion backend app required for initial handshakes to third-party APIs called syncmarx-api. This backend is hosted for you for free, but it may be possible in the future to configure the extension for self-hosting.

How to Build

First make sure you have the latest version of Node.js installed. Then follow the instructions below from within the project directory.


npm install
npm run dev

# Or to auto-rebuild on file changes:
npm run dev-watch


npm install
npm run prod

# Or to auto-rebuild on file changes:
npm run prod-watch

How to Test

You have two options for testing. The first is to simply build the app, and load the directory as an unpacked extension directly from within your browser.

The other way is to run npm run dev-web-ext-firefox (or prod-web-ext-firefox depending on target environment). This will load the extension into a temporary instance of Firefox for testing. Note that dev-web-ext and prod-web-ext scripts exist as well, but they are not fully supported by Firefox at this time due to the lack of service worker support (see here). The hope is to eventually remove those commands in favor of the service worker approach.

How to Configure Syncmarx

Follow the on-screen instructions. The app will walk you through the authentication process for a third-party cloud file host (currently Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box). Copy and paste the provided token into the app, and you can start syncing bookmarks.

Known Issues:

  • Currently may not be able to reconcile/sort duplicates within the same folder
  • Will not manage browser-specific bookmark functionality due to Web Extension spec limitations (e.g. Seperators, tags, keywords, description, favicons, etc.)
  • Will not track Firefox's "Other Bookmarks" folder (a.k.a. "Unorganized" bookmarks)
  • Still overall alpha in general so it is recommended to create a backup of your bookmarks before using