
CMS workshop for February 2016 Node Girls workshop



Node.js CMS workshop


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Build your own Node.js project

Today you'll be building your very own platform to write blog posts. You will be able to write blog posts and save them.

This is often referred to as a content management system (CMS).

This is a very basic tutorial to get you started with Node.js. At the end of the tutorial, there are optional stretch goals to introduce more advanced concepts.


We believe in learning by doing!


Structure of the workshop

You will be working on this project with your team. Your mentor will be with you to help you out and answer any questions.

First, fork this repository onto your own machine

The project has been split into steps, which are documented in separate files here on the master branch.
If you run git branch on your machine, you will see there is a branch per step. Write all your code in the relevant git branch for your step.

At the start of each step, you will need to checkout to the next branch on Git.
You will be reminded to do this at the start of each step, like so:

git checkout [name of a particular branch]
git merge [name of previous branch]

Keywords and jargon

You will see code snippets throughout the walkthrough. Try to resist the urge to copy and paste - you will learn much more if you get into the habit of typing things out.

You might want to test out small bits of code and run them before adding it to your project. For this, you can use repl.it if you like.

Throughout each step, we have bolded any jargon that you may or may not be familiar with. At the bottom, you'll find a keywords section, some of them with links to further explanations.

There is also a link to the general Node Girls cheatsheet under Useful links at the end of this README.

Your mentor is there to help you. Don't let them die of boredom - talk to them and ask questions!

Pair programming!

We think learning together is really important. We'd like you to do this workshop in pairs. It's a really effective way to code that is held in high regard by many in the programming world.

One of you can fork this repository and you can take it in turns to 'drive' (i.e. type).

Don't worry, you can both get a copy of your work if the other person forks their partner's version too 😄


Have fun learning

Useful links