
Ansible playbook for installing multicraft 1.8

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Ansible playbook for installing multicraft 1.8

How To

This assumes you are Running 7.x

This also assumes you want to install whmcs as well, if not, just remove that line from site.yml

  1. Edit the hosts file
  2. Change exmaple.com to the hostname or ip of your server
  3. Change mysql_root_password= to the password you want for mysql
  4. Change demon_pass= to password for multicraft daemon you want
  5. Change mc_key= to the actual key for your multicraft (Paid license)
  6. Change whmcs_pass= to password for whmcs user you want
  7. Install ansible
  8. Run the following commands as root on your Centos server 1. yum install epel-release 2. yum install ansible
  9. Install ssh-keys
  10. ssh-keygen -t rsa 1. Hit enter a bunch
  11. cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  12. Run ansible against hosts and playbook
  13. ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
  14. Finish install via browser
  15. Go to your servers hostname/ip in browser with url ending in /multicraft 1. example.com/multicraft
  16. Fill in the details and hit next a bunch
  17. Start multicraft daemon
  18. ssh into your server and run the following 1. /home/minecraft/multicraft/bin/multicraft -v restart
  19. Buy Jon a beer
  20. paypal address == billing@standouthost.com