- 2
publishToMavenLocal fails
#696 opened by theapache64 - 3
- 1
Dynamic Notification Icon
#695 opened by theapache64 - 2
Inbox view in Android 15
#692 opened by radubn - 0
ANR triggered during the handling of push notifications `FcmNotificationParser.toBundle()`
#677 opened by boskicaruso - 0
ANR triggered during the handling of push notifications `CTFirebaseMessagingReceiver.onReceive`
#678 opened by boskicaruso - 0
- 2
StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=102 ms: android.os.strictmode.DiskReadViolation
#669 opened by HGaurav328 - 1
An `IllegalAccessException` occurred while initialising CleverTap with `applicationContext`.
#674 opened by boskicaruso - 1
- 5
- 10
- 4
- 4
FCM Legacy API Deprecation Warning: Failed to send test notifications (FCM_LEGACY_API_SERVICE_DEPRECATED)
#667 opened by ChaitanyaYupp - 9
- 2
In-App not show when isMinifyEnabled = true
#654 opened by niuzai0222 - 10
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
#648 opened by SzotsLevente - 11
- 6
Multiple profiles merging into one
#552 opened by samarthgupta2907 - 2
- 5
- 2
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
#479 opened by anurag7141 - 9
Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to create service java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
#576 opened by aaditya-doshi-hztl - 8
- 2
- 2
[ANR] CleverTap RenderMax SDK causes ANR
#546 opened by TrumpDony - 11
Profile merge issue in android
#521 opened by mehul7616 - 2
InApp Custom HTML doesn't render iframes
#520 opened by rwrz - 3
Email is merging instead of update
#486 opened by Pritomk - 1
Cannot access '<init>': it is internal in 'TemplateRenderer' getting this error
#499 opened by NinadKisan - 4
Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start receiver java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "
#496 opened by HGaurav328 - 1
- 10
Rating Template Issue
#477 opened by ravirajjak - 6
In-app Notification is coming as notification while running or testing the campaign
#446 opened by Nikunj-Aggarwal - 4
Upgrading play-services-ads requires ads.APPLICATION_ID to be declared in app manifest
#474 opened by mihir0x69 - 3
- 4
- 27
- 2
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String java.lang.String.toUpperCase()' on a null object reference
#435 opened by HGaurav328 - 13
SDK 5.1.0's new CTWorkManager breaks custom WorkerFactory implementations and can't rollback
#453 opened by henryglendening-hh - 2
- 4
- 5
Crash: RuntimeException - Parcel Unmarshalling unknown type code XX at offset YY.
#421 opened by a-blekot - 2
- 2
[Clevertap][ANR] Push notification causing ANR
#397 opened by adeelcheetay - 1
- 1
Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
#389 opened by animeshPE91 - 6
[CTInApp][Crash] Crash on CTInAppNotifications in Obfuscated Release Builds
#385 opened by karthick-rapido - 8
[RenderMax][Proguard] Unable to Load Classes related to RenderMax library in minified Versions
#379 opened by karthick-rapido - 7
Multiple native Display Campaigns on a single event
#380 opened by walaankit