- 1
- 3
Can't preview Native Display
#250 opened by rwrz - 8
Ability to manually refresh app inbox
#252 opened by spideythewebhead - 2
I have got "Logo is null" error every time when device recive a notification
#243 opened by lokesh-univest - 2
Warning: Failed to send out test notification(s) : GCMNotRegistered (1)
#233 opened by Uvais-Mohammad - 2
How to add new gradle dependencies flutter 3.24 (Deprecated imperative apply of Flutter's Gradle plugins)
#251 opened by innerk - 5
- 8
- 2
deprecated CleverTapPlugin.fetchAndActivate() -> version clevertap_plugin: 2.4.0
#254 opened by tomkawohl - 2
Notification icon works only in debug, when make a release app, the icon not works
#248 opened by abhinand-kv - 0
Null object reference when previewing Native Display
#249 opened by rwrz - 2
- 5
Unable to get notification on ios
#244 opened by manavk11 - 3
- 1
Channel created by clevertap flutter SDK not getting updated in CleverTap Dashboard
#232 opened by Uvais-Mohammad - 9
- 1
Support Gradle 8x
#211 opened by NinoBass - 13
FCM token unsubscribed/mute on Android
#216 opened by hillary-myhealthafrica - 0
Flutter Web CleverTap Event Structure Is Invalid Error
#213 opened by sahinemin - 2
- 0
Not getting notifications/push in background and killed mode in Android
#207 opened by HAFIZkhan-source - 6
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- 2
Ios Deeplinking issue
#200 opened by ShashankSMayya - 4
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iOS App is crashing, reason related to CleverTap
#187 opened by shubh-SB - 4
iOS foreground notifications not working
#190 opened by MuTe33 - 2
- 3
- 2
Push notifications are not displayed
#193 opened by GuilleTul - 4
HTTPClientError _CFNetworkErrorGetLocalizedRecoverySuggestion HTTP Client Error with status code: 503
#167 opened by ProFive - 2
Flutter standalone.
#160 opened by CarlosAMS123 - 2
Deeplink not working when app is closed
#168 opened by Shain-Dholakiya - 3
Error while running app
#186 opened by innerk - 4
Wrong data types is used in _platformCallHandler
#185 opened by shubh-SB - 1
Support for Flutter Web
#182 opened by amankr - 6
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- 2
Is there any difference in config in IOS when using apns push mode development/product
#170 opened by phucphamwolf - 2
Error APNS bad token with app in TF
#169 opened by phucphamwolf - 5
Xcode build error - Non-void function does not return a value in all control paths
#162 opened by vincwestley - 7
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- 2
docs: `setPushToken` is document for `FCM` but what will behaviour in case of iOS.
#141 opened by DK070202 - 1
PlatformException CleverTapPlugin, CleverTap Instance is not initialized [Android]
#139 opened by Aziz-cs