Library that makes it possible to read, edit and write CSV files
- 0
Diff Utils support
#56 opened by georkost4 - 6
Behavior with AppBarLayout
#23 opened by formatBCE - 0
- 0
How can I Scroll to specific position
#54 opened by SoloRJillani - 0
Adaptive Table responses slow after notifyDataSetChanged() action set more than 3 times
#53 opened by AmanDhindsa1989 - 3
Not able to click on view
#49 opened by jigar1211 - 0
- 1
- 0
Getting IllegalStateException; Please Help
#50 opened by ghoshavirup0 - 0
- 2
Is possible to merge two cells vertically?
#26 opened by Dssdiego - 6
Kotlin crash
#19 opened by giuseppesorce - 1
notifyDataSetChanged() do not call onBindLeftTopHeaderViewHolder but does to every other header
#47 opened by vyguera - 1
Is it possible to have Pull Down refresh functionality for AdaptiveTableLayout ?
#46 opened by swapnil-warake - 2
- 1
table not update count rows and columns when notifyDataSetChanged adapter
#36 opened by javiddeveloper - 1
- 1
- 1
Update to API Level 29
#42 opened by vyguera - 1
Refactor to AndroidX
#43 opened by vyguera - 1
#38 opened by ugar0ff - 1
- 0
#39 opened by ugar0ff - 2
- 1
AdaptiveTableLayout without CSV file
#35 opened by kprathap23 - 0
Custom Footer View?
#34 opened by juliusbtesh - 1
Crash while switching rows using the adapter which subcalsses BaseDataAdaptiveTableLayoutAdapter
#20 opened by hao33782 - 2
- 1
adaptive table layout csv file issue
#29 opened by sanduni - 2
Adding support for onCreateItemViewHolder to create multiple type of viewholder base on row and column
#21 opened by hlongvu - 1
read from excel file
#25 opened by redlaam - 0
- 2
Problem in screen rotation
#28 opened by MohammadRezaei92 - 1
Drag and drop
#5 opened by catalin-florescu - 1
How to use the pagination in the view?
#22 opened by eugenio-caicedo - 1
- 1
Fixed row and column?
#32 opened by JakeWoki - 5
if set visible or gone, have some question
#17 opened by a584327136 - 1
how to Right To Left this Table
#16 opened by ehsankolivand - 2
- 0
- 1
Spammy advertising
#14 opened by dylanpyle - 1
Column resizing
#10 opened by rdonuk - 1
- 1
may onActionUp be optimized?
#9 opened by tootwo2 - 2
- 1
java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException: -1
#7 opened by mortezasun - 1
java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException: -1
#6 opened by Kiarasht - 1
RTL Support
#4 opened by aliklev - 1
How to disEnable drag and drop?
#11 opened by gyqsophila