
Assorted bash scripts. Mirrored from GitLab.

Primary LanguageShell


Script Name Description
apt_all Runs apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get autoremove and apt-get autoclean on a provided host or list of hosts. Logs results to file.
p0wer_switch Written for use with Termux to connect to a server that can control wireless mains outlets via p0wer.
polly Called as a cronjob to regularly poll a web site and check the return code. Logs site status to file and uses a blink(1) as a visual status indicator.
pong Runs through a list of servers, pings each once for a second then returns a success or fail result.
sneak Use rsync to pull the contents of a directory on a remote machine to the local machine. Intended to be implemented as a cronjob to responsibly transfer files under limited bandwidth restrictions.
stuff Pulls and lists a bunch of useful (to me) info about the host (hardware, disks/mounts, OS, network).
terbling Prints an ascii-art logo and some basic system info to the command line.
vpn Kills current openvpn service then reconnects and confirms. Useful for quickly re-establishing connection if it goes bad.
wami Pulls and displays info (IP, country, city, etc) from ifconfig.co - useful to verify vpn operation.
whodis Grabs the contents of the /tmp/dhcp.leases file on a remote router, does some basic formatting and prints it to stdout.


Script Name Description
ball Runs bu on a bunch of remote host or list of hosts. Logs results to file. Deprecated thanks to Ansible.
bu Uses rsync to back up files and directories in a list file to a remote server. Logs results to file. Deprecated thanks to Ansible.
cal_backup.sh Generates an *.ics file from a nextcloud calendar and archives it. Intended to be used as a cronjob. No longer used since moving nextcloud to a docker container.
chuck.sh Very similar to grab.sh, but used to upload to the remote server. No longer used.
grab.sh Uses rsync (to allow resume after interruption) to download a specified file from a remote server. No longer used.
nc_backup.sh A script to create a local backup of a nextcloud instance including the database, data files and config files. Called as a cronjob. No longer used since moving nextcloud to docker.
roll_out.sh Attempt to copy a specified file/directory to a destination (relative to home directory) on a list of remote hosts. I used this to sync my custom scripts to a list of hosts. Now deprecated as I manage this task with Ansible.
ytdl.sh Written for use with Termux to download a youtube video direct to the device. No longer used since since running NewPipe instead of the youtube app. Newpipe has direct download capability. Also, from the command line, yt-dlc is an improved downloader (forked from youtube-dl).