
A wrapper for our REST API - SMS, voice, post, email, fax.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is an official SDK for ClickSend Below you will find a current list of the available methods for clicksend. NOTE: You will need to create a free account to use the API. You can register here..

This PHP package is automatically generated by the ClickSend Codegen project:

  • API version: 3.1
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": "https://github.com/git_user_id/git_repo_id.git"
  "require": {
    "git_user_id/git_repo_id": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = ClickSend\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->accountGet();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->accountGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = ClickSend\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \ClickSend\Model\Account(); // \ClickSend\Model\Account | Account model

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->accountPost($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->accountPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = ClickSend\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$year = 56; // int | Year to filter by (yyyy)
$month = 56; // int | Month to filter by (mm)

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->accountUseageBySubaccountGet($year, $month);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->accountUseageBySubaccountGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = ClickSend\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \ClickSend\Model\AccountVerify(); // \ClickSend\Model\AccountVerify | Account details

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->accountVerifySendPut($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->accountVerifySendPut: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = ClickSend\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$activation_token = 56; // int | 

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->accountVerifyVerifyByActivationTokenPut($activation_token);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->accountVerifyVerifyByActivationTokenPut: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = ClickSend\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \ClickSend\Model\ForgotPassword(); // \ClickSend\Model\ForgotPassword | 

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->forgotPasswordPut($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->forgotPasswordPut: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$config = ClickSend\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \ClickSend\Model\AccountForgotPasswordVerify(); // \ClickSend\Model\AccountForgotPasswordVerify | verifyPassword data

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->forgotPasswordVerifyPut($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->forgotPasswordVerifyPut: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

$apiInstance = new ClickSend\Api\AccountApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$body = new \ClickSend\Model\ForgotUsername(); // \ClickSend\Model\ForgotUsername | 

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->forgotUsernamePut($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->forgotUsernamePut: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://rest.clicksend.com/v3

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountApi accountGet GET /account Get account information
AccountApi accountPost POST /account Create a new account
AccountApi accountUseageBySubaccountGet GET /account/usage/{year}/{month}/subaccount Get account useage by subaccount
AccountApi accountVerifySendPut PUT /account-verify/send Send account activation token
AccountApi accountVerifyVerifyByActivationTokenPut PUT /account-verify/verify/{activation_token} Verify new account
AccountApi forgotPasswordPut PUT /forgot-password Forgot password
AccountApi forgotPasswordVerifyPut PUT /forgot-password/verify Verify forgot password
AccountApi forgotUsernamePut PUT /forgot-username Forgot username
AccountRechargeApi rechargeCreditCardGet GET /recharge/credit-card Get Credit Card info
AccountRechargeApi rechargeCreditCardPut PUT /recharge/credit-card Update credit card info
AccountRechargeApi rechargePackagesGet GET /recharge/packages Get list of all packages
AccountRechargeApi rechargePurchaseByPackageIdPut PUT /recharge/purchase/{package_id} Purchase a package
AccountRechargeApi rechargeTransactionsByTransactionIdGet GET /recharge/transactions/{transaction_id} Get specific Transaction
AccountRechargeApi rechargeTransactionsGet GET /recharge/transactions Purchase a package
ContactApi listsContactsByListIdAndContactIdDelete DELETE /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} Delete a contact
ContactApi listsContactsByListIdAndContactIdGet GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} Get a specific contact
ContactApi listsContactsByListIdAndContactIdPut PUT /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} Update specific contact
ContactApi listsContactsByListIdGet GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts Get all contacts in a list
ContactApi listsContactsByListIdPost POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts Create new contact
ContactApi listsCopyContactPut PUT /lists/{from_list_id}/contacts/{contact_id}/copy/{to_list_id} Copy contact to another list
ContactApi listsRemoveOptedOutContactsByListIdAndOptOutListIdPut PUT /lists/{list_id}/remove-opted-out-contacts/{opt_out_list_id} Remove all opted out contacts
ContactApi listsTransferContactPut PUT /lists/{from_list_id}/contacts/{contact_id}/transfer/{to_list_id} Transfer contact to another list
ContactListApi listsByListIdDelete DELETE /lists/{list_id} ListsByListIdDelete
ContactListApi listsByListIdGet GET /lists/{list_id} Get specific contact list
ContactListApi listsByListIdPut PUT /lists/{list_id} Update specific contact list
ContactListApi listsGet GET /lists Get all contact lists
ContactListApi listsImportByListIdPost POST /lists/{list_id}/import Import contacts to list
ContactListApi listsPost POST /lists Create new contact list
ContactListApi listsRemoveDuplicatesByListIdPut PUT /lists/{list_id}/remove-duplicates Remove duplicate contacts
CountriesApi countriesGet GET /countries Get all country codes
DeliveryIssuesApi deliveryIssuesGet GET /delivery-issues Get all delivery issues
DeliveryIssuesApi deliveryIssuesPost POST /delivery-issues Create delivery Issue
DetectAddressApi detectAddressPost POST /post/letters/detect-address Detects address in uploaded file.
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi emailDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete DELETE /automations/email/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Delete email delivery receipt automation
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi emailDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet GET /automations/email/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Get specific email delivery receipt automation
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi emailDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost POST /automations/email/receipts Create email delivery receipt automations
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi emailDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut PUT /automations/email/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Update email delivery receipt automation
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi emailDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet GET /automations/email/receipts Get all email delivery receipt automations
EmailMarketingApi allowedEmailAddressGet GET /email/addresses Get all email addresses
EmailMarketingApi allowedEmailAddressPost POST /email/addresses Create allowed Email Address
EmailMarketingApi cancelEmailCampaignPut PUT /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id}/cancel Cancel email campaign
EmailMarketingApi emailCampaignGet GET /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id} Get specific email campaign
EmailMarketingApi emailCampaignHistoryExportGet GET /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id}/history/export Export specific email campaign history
EmailMarketingApi emailCampaignHistoryGet GET /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id}/history Get specific email campaign history
EmailMarketingApi emailCampaignPost POST /email-campaigns/send Send email campaign
EmailMarketingApi emailCampaignPricePost POST /email-campaigns/price Calculate email campaign price
EmailMarketingApi emailCampaignPut PUT /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id} Edit email campaign
EmailMarketingApi emailCampaignsGet GET /email-campaigns Get all email campaigns
EmailMarketingApi sendVerificationTokenGet PUT /email/address-verify/{email_address_id}/send Send verification token
EmailMarketingApi specificAllowedEmailAddressDelete DELETE /email/addresses/{email_address_id} Delete specific email address
EmailMarketingApi specificAllowedEmailAddressGet GET /email/addresses/{email_address_id} Get specific email address
EmailMarketingApi verifyAllowedEmailAddressGet PUT /email/address-verify/{email_address_id}/verify/{activation_token} Verify email address using verification token
EmailToSmsApi smsEmailSmsGet GET /sms/email-sms Get list of email to sms allowed addresses
EmailToSmsApi smsEmailSmsPost POST /sms/email-sms Create email to sms allowed address
EmailToSmsApi smsEmailSmsStrippedStringDelete DELETE /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings/{rule_id} Delete email to sms stripped string rule
EmailToSmsApi smsEmailSmsStrippedStringGet GET /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings/{rule_id} Get email to sms stripped string rule
EmailToSmsApi smsEmailSmsStrippedStringPost POST /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings Create email to sms stripped string rule
EmailToSmsApi smsEmailSmsStrippedStringPut PUT /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings/{rule_id} Update email to sms stripped string rule
EmailToSmsApi smsEmailSmsStrippedStringsGet GET /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings Get list of email to sms stripped string rules
FAXApi faxHistoryGet GET /fax/history Get a list of Fax History.
FAXApi faxPricePost POST /fax/price Calculate Total Price for Fax Messages sent
FAXApi faxReceiptsByMessageIdGet GET /fax/receipts/{message_id} Get a single fax receipt based on message id.
FAXApi faxReceiptsGet GET /fax/receipts Get all delivery receipts
FAXApi faxReceiptsPost POST /fax/receipts Add a delivery receipt
FAXApi faxReceiptsReadPut PUT /fax/receipts-read Mark delivery receipts as read
FAXApi faxSendPost POST /fax/send Send a fax using supplied supported file-types.
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi faxDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete DELETE /automations/fax/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Delete fax delivery receipt automation
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi faxDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet GET /automations/fax/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Get specific fax delivery receipt automation
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi faxDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost POST /automations/fax/receipts Create fax delivery receipt automations
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi faxDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut PUT /automations/fax/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Update fax delivery receipt automation
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi faxDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet GET /automations/fax/receipts Get all fax delivery receipt automations
GlobalSendingApi listCountriesGet GET /country-list List of countries
GlobalSendingApi userCountriesAgreePost POST /user-countries/agree Agree to rules and regulation
GlobalSendingApi userCountriesGet GET /user-countries Get Countries for Global Sending
GlobalSendingApi userCountriesPost POST /user-countries Select Countries for Global Sending
InboundFAXRulesApi faxInboundAutomationDelete DELETE /automations/fax/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} Delete inbound fax automation
InboundFAXRulesApi faxInboundAutomationGet GET /automations/fax/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} Get specific inbound fax automation
InboundFAXRulesApi faxInboundAutomationPost POST /automations/fax/inbound Create new inbound fax automation
InboundFAXRulesApi faxInboundAutomationPut PUT /automations/fax/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} Update inbound fax automation
InboundFAXRulesApi faxInboundAutomationsGet GET /automations/fax/inbound Get all inbound fax automations
InboundSMSRulesApi smsInboundAutomationDelete DELETE /automations/sms/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} Delete inbound sms automation
InboundSMSRulesApi smsInboundAutomationGet GET /automations/sms/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} Get specific inbound sms automation
InboundSMSRulesApi smsInboundAutomationPost POST /automations/sms/inbound Create new inbound sms automation
InboundSMSRulesApi smsInboundAutomationPut PUT /automations/sms/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} Update inbound sms automation
InboundSMSRulesApi smsInboundAutomationsGet GET /automations/sms/inbound Get all inbound sms automations
MMSApi mmsHistoryExportGet GET /mms/history/export Export all mms history
MMSApi mmsHistoryGet GET /mms/history Get all mms history
MMSApi mmsPricePost POST /mms/price Get Price for MMS sent
MMSApi mmsReceiptsGet GET /mms/receipts Get all delivery receipts
MMSApi mmsReceiptsReadPut PUT /mms/receipts-read Mark delivery receipts as read
MMSApi mmsSendPost POST /mms/send Send MMS
MasterEmailTemplatesApi masterEmailTemplateCategoriesGet GET /email/master-templates-categories Get all master email template categories
MasterEmailTemplatesApi masterEmailTemplateCategoryGet GET /email/master-templates-categories/{category_id} Get specific master email template category
MasterEmailTemplatesApi masterEmailTemplateGet GET /email/master-templates/{template_id} Get specific master email template
MasterEmailTemplatesApi masterEmailTemplatesGet GET /email/master-templates Get all master email templates
MasterEmailTemplatesApi masterEmailTemplatesInCategoryGet GET /email/master-templates-categories/{category_id}/master-templates Get all master email templates in a category
MmsCampaignApi mmsCampaignByMmsCampaignIdGet GET /mms-campaigns/{mms_campaign_id} Get specific mms campaign
MmsCampaignApi mmsCampaignsByMmsCampaignIdPut PUT /mms-campaigns/{mms_campaign_id} Update mms campaign
MmsCampaignApi mmsCampaignsCancelByMmsCampaignIdPut PUT /mms-campaigns/{mms_campaign_id}/cancel Cancel mms campaign
MmsCampaignApi mmsCampaignsGet GET /mms-campaigns Get list of mms campaigns
MmsCampaignApi mmsCampaignsPricePost POST /mms-campaigns/price Calculate price for mms campaign
MmsCampaignApi mmsCampaignsSendPost POST /mms-campaigns/send Create mms campaign
NumberApi numbersBuyByDedicatedNumberPost POST /numbers/buy/{dedicated_number} Buy dedicated number
NumberApi numbersGet GET /numbers Get all availible dedicated numbers
NumberApi numbersSearchByCountryGet GET /numbers/search/{country} Get all dedicated numbers by country
PostLetterApi postLettersExportGet GET /post/letters/history/export export post letter history
PostLetterApi postLettersHistoryGet GET /post/letters/history Get all post letter history
PostLetterApi postLettersPricePost POST /post/letters/price Calculate post letter price
PostLetterApi postLettersSendPost POST /post/letters/send Send post letter
PostPostcardApi postPostcardsHistoryExportGet GET /post/postcards/history/export Export postcard history to a CSV file
PostPostcardApi postPostcardsHistoryGet GET /post/postcards/history Retrieve the history of postcards sent or scheduled
PostPostcardApi postPostcardsPricePost POST /post/postcards/price Calculate price for sending one or more postcards
PostPostcardApi postPostcardsSendPost POST /post/postcards/send Send one or more postcards
PostReturnAddressApi postReturnAddressesByReturnAddressIdDelete DELETE /post/return-addresses/{return_address_id} Delete specific post return address
PostReturnAddressApi postReturnAddressesByReturnAddressIdGet GET /post/return-addresses/{return_address_id} Get specific post return address
PostReturnAddressApi postReturnAddressesByReturnAddressIdPut PUT /post/return-addresses/{return_address_id} Update post return address
PostReturnAddressApi postReturnAddressesGet GET /post/return-addresses Get list of post return addresses
PostReturnAddressApi postReturnAddressesPost POST /post/return-addresses Create post return address
ReferralAccountApi referralAccountsGet GET /referral/accounts Get all referral accounts
ResellerAccountApi resellerAccountsByClientUserIdGet GET /reseller/accounts/{client_user_id} Get Reseller clients Account
ResellerAccountApi resellerAccountsByClientUserIdPut PUT /reseller/accounts/{client_user_id} Update Reseller clients Account
ResellerAccountApi resellerAccountsGet GET /reseller/accounts Get list of reseller accounts
ResellerAccountApi resellerAccountsPost POST /reseller/accounts Create reseller account
SMSApi smsCancelAllPut PUT /sms/cancel-all Update all scheduled message as cancelled
SMSApi smsCancelByMessageIdPut PUT /sms/{message_id}/cancel Update scheduled message as cancelled
SMSApi smsHistoryExportGet GET /sms/history/export Export all sms history
SMSApi smsHistoryGet GET /sms/history Get all sms history
SMSApi smsInboundGet GET /sms/inbound Get all inbound sms
SMSApi smsInboundPost POST /sms/inbound Create inbound sms
SMSApi smsInboundReadByMessageIdPut PUT /sms/inbound-read/{message_id} Mark inbound SMS as read
SMSApi smsInboundReadPut PUT /sms/inbound-read Mark inbound SMS as read
SMSApi smsPricePost POST /sms/price Calculate sms price
SMSApi smsReceiptsByMessageIdGet GET /sms/receipts/{message_id} Get a Specific Delivery Receipt
SMSApi smsReceiptsGet GET /sms/receipts Get all delivery receipts
SMSApi smsReceiptsPost POST /sms/receipts Add a delivery receipt
SMSApi smsReceiptsReadPut PUT /sms/receipts-read Mark delivery receipts as read
SMSApi smsSendPost POST /sms/send Send sms message(s)
SMSApi smsTemplatesByTemplateIdDelete DELETE /sms/templates/{template_id} Delete sms template
SMSApi smsTemplatesByTemplateIdPut PUT /sms/templates/{template_id} Update sms template
SMSApi smsTemplatesGet GET /sms/templates Get lists of all sms templates
SMSApi smsTemplatesPost POST /sms/templates Create sms template
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi smsDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete DELETE /automations/sms/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Delete sms delivery receipt automation
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi smsDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet GET /automations/sms/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Get specific sms delivery receipt automation
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi smsDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost POST /automations/sms/receipts Create sms delivery receipt automations
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi smsDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut PUT /automations/sms/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Update sms delivery receipt automation
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi smsDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet GET /automations/sms/receipts Get all sms delivery receipt automations
SearchApi searchContactsListsGet GET /search/contacts-lists Get list of searched contact list
SmsCampaignApi smsCampaignBySmsCampaignIdGet GET /sms-campaigns/{sms_campaign_id} Get specific sms campaign
SmsCampaignApi smsCampaignsBySmsCampaignIdPut PUT /sms-campaigns/{sms_campaign_id} Update sms campaign
SmsCampaignApi smsCampaignsCancelBySmsCampaignIdPut PUT /sms-campaigns/{sms_campaign_id}/cancel Cancel sms campaign
SmsCampaignApi smsCampaignsGet GET /sms-campaigns Get list of sms campaigns
SmsCampaignApi smsCampaignsPricePost POST /sms-campaigns/price Calculate price for sms campaign
SmsCampaignApi smsCampaignsSendPost POST /sms-campaigns/send Create sms campaign
StatisticsApi statisticsSmsGet GET /statistics/sms Get sms statistics
StatisticsApi statisticsVoiceGet GET /statistics/voice Get voice statistics
SubaccountApi subaccountsBySubaccountIdDelete DELETE /subaccounts/{subaccount_id} Delete a subaccount
SubaccountApi subaccountsBySubaccountIdGet GET /subaccounts/{subaccount_id} Get specific subaccount
SubaccountApi subaccountsBySubaccountIdPut PUT /subaccounts/{subaccount_id} Update subaccount
SubaccountApi subaccountsGet GET /subaccounts Get all subaccounts
SubaccountApi subaccountsPost POST /subaccounts Create new subaccount
SubaccountApi subaccountsRegenApiKeyBySubaccountIdPut PUT /subaccounts/{subaccount_id}/regen-api-key Regenerate an API Key
TimezonesApi timezonesGet GET /timezones Get supported list of timezones.
TransactionalEmailApi emailHistoryExportGet GET /email/history/export Export all Transactional Email history
TransactionalEmailApi emailHistoryGet GET /email/history Get all transactional email history
TransactionalEmailApi emailPricePost POST /email/price Get transactional email price
TransactionalEmailApi emailSendPost POST /email/send Send transactional email
TransferCreditApi resellerTransferCreditPut PUT /reseller/transfer-credit Transfer Credit
UploadApi uploadsPost POST /uploads Upload File
UserEmailTemplatesApi emailTemplateDelete DELETE /email/templates/{template_id} Delete user email template
UserEmailTemplatesApi emailTemplateGet GET /email/templates/{template_id} Get specific user email template
UserEmailTemplatesApi emailTemplatePost POST /email/templates Create email template
UserEmailTemplatesApi emailTemplatePut PUT /email/templates/{template_id} Update email template
UserEmailTemplatesApi emailTemplatesGet GET /email/templates Get all user email templates
VoiceApi voiceCancelAllPut PUT /voice/cancel-all Update all voice messages as cancelled
VoiceApi voiceCancelByMessageIdPut PUT /voice/{message_id}/cancel Update voice message status as cancelled
VoiceApi voiceHistoryExportGet GET /voice/history/export Export voice history
VoiceApi voiceHistoryGet GET /voice/history Get all voice history
VoiceApi voiceLangGet GET /voice/lang Get all voice languages
VoiceApi voicePricePost POST /voice/price Calculate voice price
VoiceApi voiceReceiptsGet GET /voice/receipts Get all delivery receipts
VoiceApi voiceReceiptsPost POST /voice/receipts Add a delivery receipt
VoiceApi voiceReceiptsReadPut PUT /voice/receipts-read Mark delivery receipts as read
VoiceApi voiceSendPost POST /voice/send Send voice message(s)
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi voiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete DELETE /automations/voice/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Delete voice delivery receipt automation
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi voiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet GET /automations/voice/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Get specific voice delivery receipt automation
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi voiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost POST /automations/voice/receipts Create voice delivery receipt automations
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi voiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut PUT /automations/voice/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} Update voice delivery receipt automation
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi voiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet GET /automations/voice/receipts Get all voice delivery receipt automations

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication

