
Replacement for UIImageView that asynchronously shows an image downloaded from an URL. While the download is running an activity indicator is shown over the view. A block is invoked when the image has finishing download.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

MNMRemoteImageView is a simple drop-in replacement for UIImageView that asynchronously shows an image downloaded from an URL. You can use the control as a regular UIImageView.

While the download is running an activity indicator is shown over the view. A block is invoked when the image has finishing download.

Installation instructions

  1. Import MNMremoteImageView files into your project.

  2. Create the image view as always, from a XIB or initializing it with the regular constructors.

  3. You can show an image from an URL this way

     [remoteImageView displayImageFromURL:url
                        completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
                           // Do something 
  4. You can see some examples in ViewController class.


Execute appledoc appledoc.plist in the root of the project path to generate documentation.