Videogrep searches through dialog in video files (using .srt subtitle tracks) and makes supercuts based on what it finds.
##Requirements Clone this repository, and then install pattern and moviepy along with the other requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install ffmpeg with Ogg/Vorbis support. If you're on a mac with homebrew you can install ffmpeg with:
brew install ffmpeg --with-libvpx --with-libvorbis
You may need to change the path to your installation of ffmpeg by modifying the first line of
FFMPEG_BINARY = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'
##How to use it The most basic use:
python --input path/to/video_or_folder --search 'search phrase'
You can put any regular expression in the search phrase.
You can also search for part-of-speech tags using Pattern. See the Pattern-Search documentation for some details about how this works, and the Penn Treebank tag set for a list of usuable part-of-speech tags. For example the following will search for every line of dialog that contains an adjective (JJ) followed by a singular noun (NN):
python --input path/to/video_or_folder --search 'JJ NN' --search-type pos
You can also do a hypernym search - which essentially searches for words that fit into a specific category. The following, for example, will search for any line of dialog that references a liquid (like water, coffee, beer, etc.):
python --input path/to/video_or_folder --search 'liquid' --search-type hyper
NOTE: videogrep requires the subtitle track and the video file to have the exact same name, up to the extension. For example, my_movie.mp4 and will work, my_movie.mp4 and will not work.
videogrep can take a number of options:
####--input / -i Video or subtitle file, or folder containing multiple files
####--output / -o Name of the file to generate. By default this is "supercut.mp4"
####--search / -s Search term
####--search-type / -st Type of search you want to perform. There are three options:
- re: regular expression (this is the default).
- pos: part of speech search (uses For example 'JJ NN' would return all lines of dialog that contain an adjective followed by a noun.
- hyper: hypernym search. For example 'body parts' grabs all lines of dialog that reference a body part
####--max-clips / -m Maximum number of clips to use for the supercut
####--test / -t Show the search results without making the supercut
####--randomize / -r Randomize the order of the clips
####--padding / -p Padding in milliseconds to add to the start and end of each clip