
Pass order prio or express status to scout on load

dnil opened this issue · 6 comments

dnil commented

As a clinical geneticist at KGG cust002, I would like cases I order with priority or express status to be immediately more visible than cases ordered on routine priority in Scout. See Clinical-Genomics/scout#4892. One obvious option would be CG to pass the status: prioritized to Scout when constructing a case load config for a track rare case.

This would be one more level safeguarding against issues like

@dnil Could we not use the same priority levels in Scout as we do at cg?

Those would be priority: research, standard, priority, express

dnil commented

We could export the cg/order priority to the load config as well if you prefer it, and translate priority and express into a scout case status of prioritized on load instead. A-ok solution, whatever is easier! But order priority and case status are quite different things, so we couldn't eg just set the scout status to research or standard. The status goes to e.g. inactive, over active and solved or archived.

Assigning @ChrOertlin to schedule a meeting with @dnil to discuss the implementation and the urgency

@dnil has this been requested by scout users? I don't see us addressing it in the near future otherwise

dnil commented

Thank you for your confidence sir. 😛

It has indeed been requested by Scout users. And not only this particular KGG clinical geneticist, also others.

It's ok to have a meeting if you must, but if so perhaps one where we just fix it together? To the casual onlooker it in cg involves printing one string to a file if a particular string is set in the db. And in scout involves reading one string from said file and setting a corresponding value in its database.

Great. I had some worries regarding only doing this for the rare track. If we can apply the translation mentioned to all scout uploads I'm sure this should not be that big of an issue