
Choose data-delivery sample-wise for an order

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Request originally in Ticket #690839

As a customer,
I want to place an order and set the data-delivery sample-wise,
So that I do not need to send different plates for each data-delivery method.

Work impact

Answer the following questions:

  • Is there currently a workaround for this issue? If so, what is it?
    • Customer orders the same data-delivery but says in the ticket which should be uploaded or not and to what.
  • How much time would be saved by implementing this feature on a weekly basis?
    • On customer side idk. For production worker in mip-rna 30min-1h
  • How many users are affected by this issue?
    • Some customers, production mip-rna
  • Are customers affected by this issue?
    • Yes, they have to ask us what to do sample-wise

Acceptance Criteria

  • Being able to place an order with different data-deliveries
  • Place data-delivery sample-wise


  • Additional information.
    Would it be possible to place multiple orders but send one plate?
  • Dependencies.
  • Related user stories.

Too big to handle within the scope of issues. Too rare to warrant a new project