
A Todo FullStack App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bunny Studio - Full Stack Eng. Test

Technology Used

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • React
  • Redux - For State Management

How to run the App

You need to have Node.js already installed to run this app

git clone https://github.com/ClintPy/Todo-FullStack.git

In the Project Directory:

cd src npm install

Wait for the dependencies to install then:

cd client yarn install

Wait again for the dependencies to install then:


go back to the src\ folder and: rename .env-change file to .env then:

npm run dev

App Architecture


Developed Using :

Node.js 10.16.3

API Endpoints

EndPoint Functionality
GET /api/v1/users Get all users.
GET /api/v1/users/ Get Specific Users
POST /api/v1/users Add new User.
PUT /api/v1/users/ Update user.
DELETE /api/v1/users/ Delete user.
-------------------------- ------------------------------
POST /api/v1/tasks/ Add new tasks
GET /api/v1/tasks/ Get tasks By user

API Server Running at:


Front-End Server Running at:
